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Trump Gets Ukraine Question RIGHT! CNN Melts Down!

God Bless and always protect our wonderful President Trump and all of his supporters.

This is why I vote for Trump. Peace is more important than anything else.


CNN is trying to rebrand as a straight news network. I don't know where this will lead but that is Chris Licht's objective. He is a smart guy. He wanted to fire Don Lemon for a long time for many reasons. He waited until Tucker got fired from FOX and then he terminated Lemon the same day. Good timing, minimal fallout because everybody was more interested in Tucker Carlson.

That said, CNN was an anti-Trump fake news network from the day Donald Trump rode down the escalator and declared he was running for POTUS. If CNN does rebrand they still have that dark legacy.

It is MSNBC that is really melting down Bubba. They are still the fake news propaganda network they were in 2015. Town Hall? Trump fails again. The Durham Report? A big nothing blah, blah.

We know different. So do the voters.



He gave a sophistical answer and empty-headed people applauded.

"I want to get this settled". What does that mean? Is a fucking war. It's he saying that Putin should stop attacking Ukraine? That Ukraine should surrender unconditionally? What?

Trump never thinks past the next applause line.


If you dont know what it means then you have TDS and crave war.


You don't know what it means.




Ok, explain what he means …


"I want to get this settled and stop killing all these people".

Whats so hard to understand?


It kills me to have to agree with you on anything political, but in this case at least - you're correct. Trump's answer was evasive and pandering.


Peace is more important than anything else.

No, peace at any cost is no peace at all.

Sure, this has become a political football but Russia must never be allowed to export and expand their terrorism and expansionism. Has the world learned nothing from history?

I voted for Trump and will again if he's the nominee, but if Trump stops materiel support to Ukraine it will be a colossal failure that will endanger the world and my grandchildren.


It’s already a colossal failure.


No, a colossal failure will be if Russia is allowed to take Ukraine. Tell me, what good will come if Russia takes over Ukraine and what bad will come if Ukraine stays sovereign?
