Rest in peace

He seemed to be the perennial guest star on so many classic sitcoms from the ‘70s. Always seemed like a kind, talented guy. A Tom Hanks type from an earlier era.


Guest star? He was the lead actor in at least two sitcoms--"F Troop" and "Mayberry RFD".


Sorry, that is just how I remember him. I saw F Troop a few times and never watched Mayberry RFD. I read he was on Mama’s Family which was hit back in the day.


I mostly know him as Vinton on Mama's Family and later saw him in episodes of Mayberry RFD. It was funny to see him not playing a dumb guy in that show, because Vinton definitely was. I'm going to look up F Troop.

RIP good sir


So sad. I still watch 'Mama's Family' on and have one season on DVD. May he R.I.P.




A Tom Hanks type, kind and talented. Very well put, Entwickler.

From an interview he gave to the Archive of American Television in 2012:
“I want to be remembered as a working actor,” Mr. Berry told the television archive. “One who tried never to step on anybody’s lines or upstage anybody. I wanted to not be getting in anybody’s way. I didn’t want to cost anybody any money — everything moved fast and you had to know your lines and you had to be there.”

Rest in Peace, Mr. Berry.


