is this guy ok?

he has tried to get sober so many times

I don't get that he has a couple houses and a family and stuff and still lives in an RV?.
He is older now, I know the pandemic seemed to make me age like 10 years in an instant

I'll save him, he can live with me but he just has to get used to 5 month winters and get the hell out of california.


Did not see that dramatic escalation at the end coming. Had a good chuckle.


He's always been off. He needs either a long stint in jail or a long stint in a psychiatric facility.


"Dick's estranged wife Lena Sved received a domestic violence restraining order against him in 2018, which required him to move out of their home and remain 100 yards away from her and their adult children: Lucas, 33, Jacob, 27, and Meg, 24."

He is pretty eccentric weirdo, crazy behavior. It is sad but also unfortunately funny, because that's exactly what he is famous for.

I've been watching 'the assistant' on youtube, when I was a young adult I watched it and I don't remember how staged that show was lol


Well all reality shows are scripted. But that particular one was a parody of reality shows
So that was totally scripted.

If all the alleged groping that's stated in this article really did happen, he really needs to be in jail. I mean seriously how do you get away with groping that many people in that many instances??


I agree. Prison has a way of getting people off drugs and alcohol.


what do you mean? my post?

You could have just asked this in the regular chat. I found it pretty humorous that your post ended with an abrupt offer to save Andy Dick & have him live with you.


I'm a paranoid schizo and I just put on a movie on so I was thinking you meant the movie, I always thgink i'm being watched and I have a god complex in my head sometimes with people in culture and artists and stuff.

I was joking, seems like he should split from hollywood at this point but what do I know.


When you're in the shower, are you afraid to wash your hair, because when you open your eyes you might find someone standing there??


Sounds like Minnesota. Keep him away from Minneapolis.
