MovieChat Forums > George Takei Discussion > Consumed by bitterness?

Consumed by bitterness?

I feel a bit sorry for George. It seems like the guy is incapable of going more than a few months without laying into Shatner over one thing or another.

If you watch the TOS episodes you may be shocked by how little Sulu actually appears (asides from the very few episodes where the character was showcased).

Then watching the movies it's almost impossible not to form the impression that he lucked out and his screen time was suitably increased.

Yet, despite that and despite the fact that we're talking about a show which formed the biggest part of their acting lives over fifty years ago now, he can't help himself from taking pops at Shatner.

Pretty sad to be so all consumed by bitterness over such a long period.

On the plus side, it's pretty funny watching Shatner when he's in Takei's company. Never misses the opportunity to wind him up further.


The man is old and bitter.


I'm siding with Shatner on this. It seems Takei thought his fame would skyrocket, and it did not happen, and that is why he is bitter. He might be taking it out on Shatner out of jealousy.


He was on the Howard Stern show numerous times as a guest star.

He seemed like reasonable well adjusted human with a good sense of humor.

When it came to Shatner, he had some very strong opinions.

Never bad-mouthed anyone else.


He needs to grow up and move on. Constantly whinging over some slight that took place over half a century ago is childish.


You're not wrong!

A timely bump this - just looked up whether he'd had anything to say about Shatner's space flight and yes, he couldn't let it pass:-

The guy seems utterly consumed with bitterness!


Yes, he is very butthurt (no pun intended)


Tackei is just jealous of Shatner's talent and well earned success.


I think most guys would be consumed with bitterness if they lived a lifetime sucking dick or getting butt fucked.
