MovieChat Forums > Bill Cosby Discussion > Innocent or guilty of rape?

Innocent or guilty of rape?

Regardless, he's definitely guilty of having extra-Marital affairs. How his wife stands by his side is beyond me.


The modern definition of rape is rather broken, it gets even more broken when you consider that both parties are probably intoxicated so they're raping each other.

The correct question should be did he prey on young women and use his status to sexually exploit them, of course he did. The issue of whether consent was given gets far too murky, especially given that our modern law doesn't allow you to give consent then get intoxicated (you must give consent in the moment, and be legally able to do so.)


The law is actually pretty clear regarding sex and drugs.

If one person drugs another without their consent and has sex with the other while they're incapacitated by drugs they did not consent to take, it's rape (and maybe poisoning as well).

If two people voluntarily take drugs and have consensual sex while able to make decisions, it's not rape.

If two people voluntarily take drugs and one becomes incapacitated, and if the other one goes ahead because the incapacitated person had agreed to sex earlier, then it's legally considered rape, because they were not able to consent at the time of the actual sex.

The only wiggle room in the existing laws are in cases where both are impaired rather than incapacitated, or one is incapacitated and the other is impaired. But neither applies to most of the Cosby cases as described, there were many cases where he put incapacitating drugs in a woman's coffee and had sex with her while she was incapacitated and he was in his right mind. That is absolutely rape. It's a tough world for somnaphilia fetishists.


The law is actually pretty clear regarding sex and drugs. If one person drugs another without their consent and has sex with the other while they're incapacitated by drugs they did not consent to take, it's rape

That definition is actually quite broken. There's several problems:

1. What's consent right now? Traditionally, consent in sex was implicit agreement and absence of coercion. Nowadays, not so much. What if the person didn't explicitly consent? What if she didn't feel like doing it and he pushed with a "c'mon!"?. 'Consent' has become a broken concept.

2. What's incapacitated right now? Traditionally, it was somebody who passed out or was heavily drugged. Nowadays, not so much. What if somebody was mildly drunk? drunk but active?. 'Incapacitated' has become another broken concept.

3. What's accepted as evidence right now? Traditionally, evidence was physical evidence, or at least proving that you willingly consenting was a highly unlikely scenario. To know whether it was unlikely or not, personal history was often used. Nowadays, not so much. Using personal history is banned in some countries since it's considered prejudicial. So the judge faces two people telling two different stories with barely any clue about which one could be telling the truth. 'Evidence' has become another broken concept.

As a general rule, a judiciary system that can't be applied consistently is broken. Here, you can send Bill Cosby to jail because he gave some Quaaludes to some chick which she willingly took. If the system was consistent, though, you should send to jail to every person who handled Quaaludes or some other drug to another person and then they had sex. That would send to jail roughly 50% of Hollywood during the 70s/80s. That'd be consistent... and that's not happening. The system is broken.

What's more. A broken system can be randomly unfair... or maybe not that randomly. Bill Cosby was an important political target. Perhaps that was a coincidence.

Probably, it wasn't.


If you don't understand the story, go out and inform yourself before posting nonsense.


Probably guilty of drugging women without their consent and raping them when they were incapacitated, but I wasn't there so I can't be 100% sure.

As for Camille Cosby standing by him through all this... it's unfathomable, unless she's staying because she wants to be the Widow Cosby, the one who's in control of his money and legacy. But if that's her motivation, the sooner he dies the better for her, so he'd better look out for someone putting something in his coffee...


He admitted to plying women with drugs, he even joked about it back in the late 60's. Is it possible they all consented to taking those drugs and to have sex with him? Not very likely.


Is it possible they all consented to taking those drugs and to have sex with him? Not very likely.

Why not?

You have an endless pile of groupies willing to have drugs and sex with you, why would you force into somebody and risk going to jail?. You just send her back and move to the next groupie.

That reminds me of a sentence to a porn producer. He was sentenced for having (allegedly) trafficked a couple of Ukrainian porn actresses. I remember one interview in youtube and how he was arguing that the whole concept was utterly stupid: he had literally dozens of candidates knocking on the door every day, he didn't even need to move from his studio, why would he organize the kidnapping of couple of chicks in some other country?.


He's as guilty as a puppy sitting next to a pile of poo. He got released on a technicality because his confession was inadmissable due to a promise made by a prosecutor. His confession remains a matter of public record.
