In The News Again

Gee, I wonder what for?

In a 1978 interview, Depardieu reportedly confirmed a story that he first participated in a rape when he was nine years old and that he had participated in more rapes since then. He reportedly stated there were "too many [rapes] to count... There was nothing wrong with it. The girls wanted to be raped. I mean, there's no such thing as rape. It's only a matter of a girl putting herself in a situation where she wants to be." The story re-emerged in Time magazine in 1991.[51] On 15 March 1991, Depardieu's American publicist Lois Smith, stated "he's sorry, but it happened".[52] The National Organization for Women requested an apology from Depardieu.[51] Later that month, Depardieu's French publicist Claude Devy discounted the statements made by Smith, and Depardieu threatened legal action against any media outlet that published the comments.[52] Depardieu's team said his words were mistranslated and he only admitted to having witnessed rapes. Time refused to retract the story.[53]


also from wikipedia:

During a difficult adolescence, he "got by" through committing theft and smuggling all kinds of goods (cigarettes, alcohol), among others with the GIs of the large American air base of Châteauroux-Déols. He also acted as a bodyguard for prostitutes who came down from Paris on weekends, the GIs' payday.[29][30] His family nicknamed him "Pétard" or "Pétarou", because of the habit he had acquired of farting incessantly, in all places.


He also acted as a bodyguard for prostitutes

This goes against all of his rape stuff. The dude is a complicated man.


'Depardieu's team said his words were mistranslated and he only admitted to having witnessed rapes.'

Ah, the old 'mistranslation defence' 😂


He looks like a rapist.
He sounds like, talks like, acts like.
Why even pretend he is not?

He should just own it balls out.
Don't go the route of other crybaby rapists like Weinstein or Masterson.
Go to jail with your chin up Gerard!
