MovieChat Forums > Jean-Claude Van Damme Discussion > Who would win in a fight...Van Damme, Se...

Who would win in a fight...Van Damme, Seagal, or Norris?



Norris in his prime vs Prime Van Damme is a tough one to call. Would be one heck of a fight through.

They'd both kick Seagal's ass though...


“NOBODY wins a fight.” - Dalton, Road House

None of you knows shit about Bushido. Stick with what you actually know.


one things i know for sure - seagal is not winning this fight.

norris vs van d in fight to the deaths!!


Hopefully they would all kick the shit out of each other.


Arnold would beat them all


Seagal by a mile. Steven Seagal is the most badass of them all.

Steven Seagal has a black belt in Aikido and honorary black belt in Judo, Krav Maga, Karate, Sambo, Shibari and Feng Shui.

Seagal also ran his own dojo in Japan and fought against Yakuza gangster. Was a contract agent and did wet works for CIA back in the 80's and was a reserve deputy Sheriff in Arizona. He also gives Aikido, combat and survival training for Russian Spetznats units. He also served as Putins personal bodyguard and food taster.
