MovieChat Forums > Quentin Tarantino Discussion > Why is everyone so fine with his foot fe...

Why is everyone so fine with his foot fetish being in his films?

I mean you have a fetish fine, i'm not saying someone can't be into certain things. But imo its wrong and disgusting that he constantly puts that fetish in his movies. He has these actresses being barefoot, he lingers on their feet for an awkward amount of time, has them sometimes doing sexual things with their feet. And he's not putting that in his movies cause it fits the story or anything, he's putting that in there cause he gets off on it.

Look at From Dusk Till Dawn, he purposefully wrote that scene with Salma Hayek sticking her foot in his mouth and sucking beer off it cause he wanted to get off on it and suck on her feet. How is that not taking advantage of one of your actors for your sexual fetish?

I get that its just feet and not tits or ass or vagina, but its still fucking disgusting imo, he's taking advantage of these female actresses he hires and films parts of their body to get off on it. Its been acknowledged over the years by him, movie critics etc but most just laugh about it, its like a joke and i don't get why.

I mean how would you personally feel if you was an actor and you was doing a scene that the writer/director was filming solely because he's getting off on it? Say he has a fetish for ass, and he's got you in a scene where you're bending over and showing your ass to the camera for like 45 seconds, or you're walking around bare ass for an awkwardly long amount of time, would you not feel at all violated or taken advantaged of?


I called Once Upon... his dirty old man movie and everyone jumped out at me. I really don't care nor do I shame people for their fetishes but he really went over the top on that one. The long foot shot of Uma Thurman on Kill Bill served the story. This was all gratuitous. He really does not give a fuck.


because at least it is not some weird fetish like homo stuff or scat stuff. if ur not into feet like me u can still deal with it without being disgusted


As long as he’s not forcibly tying Women up and fucking their feet, I don’t really give a shit.
