MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > Isn't it just like you Americans...

Isn't it just like you Americans... see a highly dubious and most likely staged incident at the Oscars telecast and now this is all you people have to talk about during a period when the world is under threat of nuclear war.
AMERICAN IDIOT #1: I think Will Smith was wrong!
AMERICAN IDIOT #2: no Chris Rock was wrong! He should never have made those alopecia jokes about Jada!
AMERICAN IDIOT #3: God bless Will Smith! He just protecting his family!
BIDEN: The US is committed to a military action that could last decades. We have to take up the reins of leadership in the New World Order!


FUCK YOU and whatever 3rd world country you are from. I'm sure you love the American Dollar we give you to even exist, and soccer is a faggot sport.


HAHA. You a silly woman. You're what we call "an ugly American".


Are you sure American Football, where you wrap up in armour because you're scared of getting hurt, is as non-faggoty as you think it is?


You know why soccer is so popular? Because it’s the cheapest sport imaginable. All you need is a fucking ball and an empty field. Any impoverished nation can play soccer.

Ironically, the world’s second-most popular sport in terms of fan interest is Formula 1, the world’s most expensive sport. Soccer gives fans kind-of personal access to the experience. F1 is a fantasy.


Why are you on this site?


And what universally admired country are you from, OP? You neglected to mention.


Isn’t it just like you foreign assholes to make a contemptuous post about the USA and then courageously delete yourself? I assume you are French, who are best described as “cheese-eating surrender monkeys.” Hey, that Maginot Line, right? Fuck you, froggie, though I’m grateful that your whores invented the blowjob.


Spoken like true Eurotrash.
