MovieChat Forums > Will Smith Discussion > Would Will have done it had it been the ...

Would Will have done it had it been the other Rock?

Im guessing not



If the other rock had also agreed to it, then probably. Except the other rock is known for overacting, so he would’ve probably blown it by going all WWE in his facial expression’s.


It's clearly not fake dumbass. You're not clever thinking it's fake. Shit for brains.


Imagine being so hostile and angry at a complete stranger online for their harmless comment about celebrity drama…lmao time to re-evaluate your life bro, how embarrassing.


I'm just astounded that so many folks think this wasn't staged


I'm just astounded that you do not realize the idiocy of so many folks.


The fact that you think this is fake is embarrassing. Try and think about it for more than 5 seconds and realise the idiocy of your theory. There's absolutely no incentive to fake it.


Not a damn thing. The other Rock would have broken him in half.



No way. Smith should pick guys his own size.


I would pay to see that. Pay-per-view right then and there.


There's nothing like starting a fight with someone who's not as strong as you are.

The Rock would have beaten him black and blue.

Or maybe just blue......


I think Smith would have broken his hand bitch slapping the Rock


That is the obvious follow up sketch to this (quite unfunny) sketch.
Expect it for next year oscars at the latest.

Either that or Chris Rock walking to WS to slap him, or to hug him.
