

Wooki porn! With 👾 and 🦄.



Did you happen to see that war movie he made? Red Tails? I'm wondering if it was worthwhile.


Yeah, and it wasn't very good. But, and this is no joke, If you watch it in Black and White it is better. The film is supposed to be a throwback film to old 40s-50s war films, and when seen in black and white, the whole tone of the film makes sense. They should have been brave and released the film in black and white, with only the red tails being the color that you see.


He's been talking about doing his "own" films, and how the Star Wars saga was designed to be successful and profitable enough to give himself the independence to make his "own" films for the past thirty -odd years.

Should have seen them by now.



He spent a lot of time telling us that it was his intention to become independent enough to make movies without studio involvement and interference. He never ever said anything about them being private. You don't need billions of dollars to make your "own" private art films.



And you don't need to build a multi billion dollar corporation in order to produce private art films. That was what he claimed for years Star Wars was for.

So maybe (as has been proved time and again) Lucas makes stuff up as he goes purely to reaffirm his "I'm in charge" mantra.



So he's experimenting with techniques to make expensive Tv series and films nobody will see. That makes sense.

Lucas makes things up as in makes shit up like this to tell the fans and reporters.



I'm not the one making shit up "And now he's going to do just that." Is he? He's spending the billions he made from Star Wars to make little private experimental films that no-one will see. Where do you come by your information?

You seem to be giving plenty of shit about what I think.



He's making multi million dollar small private films. Sure he is.



You're desperate. Aren't you.



I SHALL tell her you are desperate, then. She'll agree.



i don't like his movies




I don't understand what people expect of him... As a director he's only really made two stories his whole career, the American Graffitti movie and the various StarWars movies...

It's not like he showed the promise of being able to tell other stories, or have an interest in making other films...



He just don’t care about filmmaking anymore. He earned his billions with two highly successful franchises, made a comeback for the prequel trilogy and then he stagnated and doesn't seem to be willing to spend a modicum of his huge fortune on movies.

