MovieChat Forums > Stephen King Discussion > "Trans women are women:" King back pedal...

"Trans women are women:" King back pedals yet again.

The other day Stephen King re-tweeted a post by his friend J.K. Rowling only to have his fans form a Twitter outrage mob and demand to know if he's defending Rowling for not wanting trans women in women's spaces. In a short time he folded with a short tweet saying "Trans women are women." What's sad is in between his tweets, Rowling was gushing about how happy she was to have her friend Stephen King defend her.

Why is this guy such a coward in the face of a mob? He's worth $500 million dollars.


When you get near to the end of the line, men worry about their legacy.

Coincidentally, that is the name of King's next horror flick.

Twitter Mob (2021)

Supposed to be really gorey.




Giant wally. Dumb also. ive seen his twitter, I have nothign good to say, Possible pedo too.




It's weird. You don't usually equate the word "coward" with a guy who writes some of the scariest, most legendary horror fiction in recent history, but obviously he isn't nearly as terrified of his own monsters compared to the ones everybody deals with in real life.


What you very conveniently left out of that story was that the original tweet King shared wasn’t about trans people at all, it was a quote by another feminist author about how men treat women’s opinions as acts of violence. When pressed if he supported Rowling’s views towards trans women he responded with that tweet.

Yeah, Rowling gushed over King’s retweet profusely and said her love of him had reached new heights, but what you also didn’t mention is that SHE deleted her own tweet praising him and also unfollowed him on Twitter when he stated his support for trans people. Almost like SHE can’t handle the opposing opinion, and only loved King when she thought his support of a feminist quote meant he was a fellow transphobe.

One final thing you forgot to mention is how King maintains his support, even going as far as joining Neil Gaiman and Margaret Atwood among other writers as signatories in an open letter of support to the trans community.

So, the full story is a bit different to your edited version. King isn’t a coward because he never attacked trans women in the first place. He supported feminism. Which you may or may not be all about yourself 🤔


No. They're not.


Yeah, King is a total wimp.
