MovieChat Forums > George Clooney Discussion > Actors really should stay out of politic...

Actors really should stay out of politics

This includes both conservative and liberal actors. Being an actor doesn’t make you qualified to tell people how to run the world. Take Clooney for Instance. For someone who’s just a movie star, he acts like he is a real politician or something. I think it would much more interesting for actors to talk about their insights on movies, which would be something they are qualified to talk about


He’s not just an actor though, he’s a writer/director/producer who makes mainly political movies. A bit different from hearing the opinion of someone like Taylor Swift, no?


Any moderately successful actor will eventually take on other titles. It doesn't mean they are qualified to speak intelligently on political issues. The biggest difference between Clooney and Swift is he is a better actor and knows how to sound educated. But he isn't educated.


I didn’t know making political movies means you’re schooled to talk about politics. Does this mean Jeff Goldblum knows more than Stephen Hawking just because he played a scientist in Jurassic Park. Not that Goldblum speaks his
mind about science


So what makes a person qualified to talk about politics? Clooney seems a lot more intelligent than most politicians I hear talking.




These people, most high school dropouts, with at best the experience of waiting tables, win the Hollywood lottery and suddenly think they’re an expert on things they know nothing about. They’re easily exploited and used, hence why they won the Hollywood lottery to begin with. Hollywood elite don’t hire smart individuals who might take their jobs. They hire bozos.

The actors mentality requires them to immerse themselves in a character for months at a time and many don’t know how to turn that off. Take Johnny Depp. Or Bob Deniro. To name a few.

Look how easily they’re lead around by pop culture. Clearly none are capable of thinking for themselves. The most outspoken actors are clearly the biggest idiots. How many times has Sean Penn, or Oliver Stone, been used by some communist dictator, given the vip treatment for 5 minutes, and returned to the US to tell us what a paradise it is. It’s classic leftwing ignorance.


That's like asking people on the internet to stop posting on topics that they aren't experts in. Good luck with that.
