MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Taylor Swift’s fanbase…

Taylor Swift’s fanbase…

contains a lot of deranged psychotic lunatics. Kind of like a cult.

It’s hilarious and sad.

That is all. Have a nice day.


Maybe she should run for president.


Since they have crossed over into football this year they are a weird bunch. I just hope Kelce isn't distracted to the point he'll still have a good season for the Chiefs this year.


I’m going against Kelce in fantasy football tomorrow. Hopefully she distracts him, he has a crappy game, and it turns into another Tony Romo/Jessica Simpson situation. Haha.


I think that about sums it up.


From what I've seen of them, they're one of the saner Fandoms.


Go watch the documentary about Ticketmaster. Grown adult women posting videos of themselves sobbing, with snot dripping out of their noses, drooling, losing their minds with rage…all because they couldn’t get Taylor Swift tickets. It’s bad enough that they acted like that, but they actually posted it online for all to see. It was hilarious.

They are a cult of lunatics.


'It’s bad enough that they acted like that, but they actually posted it online for all to see. It was hilarious.'

Dignity and restraint count for nothing in this day and age. It's just about the views/likes/follows, etc, etc.


When she played in The Cities, fans traveled from surrounding states just to buy souvenirs! They had no tickets to the concert, but they came anyway. I suppose they wanted to be able to post on social media or something. 🙄


Half my female co-workers took their daughters to see one of her concerts, and all these concerts were 500 miles away minimum. I don't consider that insane, they could all afford to go, and they went because it was their idea of fun. It's enough to make me think that Taylor Swift is the smartest entertainer everywhere, she seems to have totally captured the "Women with disposable income" market!

Look, people traveling to concerts even without a ticket can be ridiculous, but it isn't what I'd call insane. Is the fandom given to conspiracy theories, attacking people their idol has victimized, declaring war on Swift's professional rivals, perving on some underage associated person associated with her, or are the BNF's (big-name fans) fighting to the death over who her boyfriend ought to be? Because that's what I call Fandom craziness, overenthusiasm just doesn't rate compared to that kind of batshit.
