MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Charlie Chaplin was the king of the gold...

Charlie Chaplin was the king of the golden age of cinema.

And his golden age was 14.


I don't get it


Well, Charlie liked 'his' women young and crispy.


He liked much younger women.


I do know that he had a reputation for being one of the biggest cheapskates in Hollywood history.


Oh, my apology that I dared to answer you first. ☺


Like mid-teens younger. And even in the 1920s that didn't fly.

Although I've always found it interesting that when Chaplin was in his mid-fifties, he married Oona O'Neil a few days after she turned 18, and she was his 4th wife. Now you'd expect that marriage to quickly collapse into disaster and scandal, right? But no, they were married as long as they both lived, they had like ten children, they seemed perfectly happy together, and there were no more teen scandals for Charlie. Real life is so damned unpredictable.


elvis and priscilla didn't last


I read today that Priscilla claimed that Elvis respected her when they first started dating because of their age gap and waited until she was older to have sex with her. She was 14 and he was 24 when they first started dating. Elvis was a creep.


i don't know why she is bringing this up. there's nothing to gain from it.


Maybe people are aware they met when she was 14 and are saying they banged. I don't believe her anyway. At the end of the day, Elvis was still attracted to a 14-year-old.


Oh yeah, the average middle-aged-and-teen marriage usually implodes horribly as soon as the teen is old enough to have a clue, but it's weird that there are exceptions to every trend.

Not that I can think of any other exceptions at the moment.


Buster Keaton>Chaplin


I think so too, although between the two, The Great Dictator is my favourite out of both their films.


Came here to say the exact same thing


[–] elprimitivo (290) 8 hours ago
Buster Keaton>Chaplin

And I thought that "elprimitivo" (username!) implied that Buster Keaton liked women even younger than Charlie Chaplin.


Speaking of the Golden Age, I wonder if the 3 Stooges were still alive in 2023, what their Net worth would be??


Why they oughta be worth millions.
