MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Favourite Anger/Rage film scenes?

Favourite Anger/Rage film scenes?

What's your favourite film/TV-series scene depicting someone being angry? I am interested in both more subtle well-played scenes as well as over-the-top rage moments.

Looking for such scenes I have made two notes:
a) the scenes tend to mix anger with other emotions like sadness and fear, so although I can find lots of pure sadness or fear scenes, anger seems to more often be combined with other emotions in popular films
b) the scenes tend to be pretty realistic and generic visually, like two people just screaming at each other, whereas a lot of fear, sadness, happiness scenes are visually very distinct, fanciful and imaginative (frequently metaphorical or symbolic).

Some of my favourite anger scenes so far:
Casino (1995): A mob wife driving up the house of the husband, cursing him, damaging his property, and declaring that she will talk to the FBI.

Chef (2014): The chef having a rant at a food critic in front of the other guests.

La Pianiste (2001): the daughter (a pianist teacher) having an argument and a fight with her over-protective mother.

Sopranos and Game of thrones had some good rage scenes but do not recall a specific one that did not also express fear or sadness.


a few good men


Falling Down (93) is full of rage and violence. The very nerdy lead, D-Fens (played perfectly by Michael Douglas) is going through a separation from his family, seems to have some anger and OCD issues and just totally loses control one day.

It’s as much a psych study about the effects of societal breakdown on an average, slightly uptight man as it is an action thriller. It’s really quite good.

Check it out 👍


Great answer, great movie. The guy's a nutcase but at the same time, I can relate to the things that piss him off about society. I'm not going to pull out an uzi, but I can't say it wasn't satisfying watching it happen in a movie.


I totally agree, I’ve never straight up shot some of these bastards but I understand LOL!


I came here to mention this excellent film, one of my all-time favorites...


A favourite 👍


Awesome! Absolutely love this movie.


It’s cathartic. The audience (hopefully) knows it’s wrong to whip out a gun or a baseball bat during a heated exchange but we all totally get the feeling.

Sometimes I feel like wrecking shit too!


Yep, same here.
"I'm the bad guy?"


I knew I wasn’t the only one that feels like wrecking the joint and busting heads and windows, it would feel good but my Mom and the Wifey would be very disappointed with me🥸

It’s probably best to talk it out or just walk away, boring but generally true.


Exactly! You hit the nail on the head.

"I'm not the one charging 85 cents for a stinking soda!!" 😆


I have FALLING DOWN and it really is a Fantastic movie and a testament to Road Rage in 2023, aside from using a missile launcher to blow up a freeway..


Oh bro, do my commute with me and ask why I want a .50 Auto rifle mounted on the hood!

Most of these assholes don’t know how to drive and we’d all be happy to have them blasted off the road😄


Morgan Freeman in a early career role in Brubaker. He plays a vicious inmate who really scares all the guards except cool as a cucumber Redford.


It’s subtle, but the Murray’s talk show scene from Joker (2019) where Arthur fleck is a guest on the show and Phoenix looks at DeNiro and says “You’re awful Murray”.

You can see the switch in Flecks face and eyes, like he was planning on killing himself on national TV, and then suddenly he was overcome by this subtle anger and redirected it toward Murray:



That is the best scene of the last 10 years, Joaquin Phoenix is just so good at it.


Totally. You can actually see him become the those few seconds where Arthur Fleck is no more, and he has become the Joker. It's chilling.


The ending of Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. Brad Pitt's reaction to the angry intruders was flawless. Having his dog help handle the situation was fantastic, and Leo Dicaprio considering his options and deciding on a flame thrower to char the angry bitch in the pool was priceless.



A favorite from my younger days. "I just go berserk!"


teddy kgb
