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My IMDb list of the worst movies of all time with high rating
This is my contribution to the world that I'm sharing with you, my IMDb list of the worst movies of all time with high rating. We are talking about major landmines that lurking to waste some hours of your life and possibly your entire night, Are any of those your favorite? don't be shy, tell the truth

Else, do you agree with my picks?


I had no idea there were so many Hunger Games films I stopped after the first one and never thought about the film again.


The cast of The Craft (2020) look like a Woke mess. The idea is they are meant to be the outcasts you want to hang out with not the type of outcasts that even the nerdy kids throw things at.


The movie were meant to be like the original but with modern CGI fireballs, the result was some no talent kids mimicking the original cast without meaning or purpose


Hunger Games - Started ok, but all the sequels got progressively worse.
Children of Men - A favourite of mine.
District 9 - Very good.
Eternal Sunshine…. - Excellent!
Truman Show - Excellent!
Snowpiercer - Ok.

I haven’t seen the others.


A serious man is a classic - but not for everyone. Its a black comedy, uber nebbishy, very Talmud. The devil, or his dybbuk agent, is a big fat obnoxious hilariously smarmy Jew.


The Truman show? That’s a great film.

I haven’t seen District 9 in years but I remember thinking it was a pretty good film.

Renfield was good too. The 6 rating seems about right though, and it doesn’t seem like a high enough rating to be on your list of high rated movies.

The craft is a pretty good flick too, for what it is. UPDATE: I thought this was the OG Craft, I haven’t seen this 2020 remake.

I’ve never watched the hunger games films so I can’t comment on those.

I guess we have different tastes in movies, which is all good of course.
