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My IMDb list of the worst movies of all time with high rating
This is my contribution to the world that I'm sharing with you, my IMDb list of the worst movies of all time with high rating. We are talking about major landmines that lurking to waste some hours of your life and possibly your entire night, Are any of those your favorite? don't be shy, tell the truth

Else, do you agree with my picks?


None of them are favourites of mine, but I don't think any of them are the worst ever. Some are a little overrated, but some are good. I rate them all between a 6-8.


Not all IMDb ratings are accurate, there are hidden bears in there, with my list I'm protecting you from this evil


Why would you continue to watch Hunger Games movies if you didn't enjoy the first one?

Can't comment on the list as I've never seen any of them...


The Hunger Games is great. It has it's downfalls, but is overall a smart, enjoyable series.


I had nothing else to watch, after the first one I knew the whole series was a disaster but I kept watching to see if any of the good reviews was justified, out of curiosity, it turned out there was no light in the end of the tunnel


"The Craft" has a high rating? It has a 4.5

The Truman Show. No. It's one of the best movies. It earned the 8.2 rating.

I haven't watched most of the other stuff.


I know The Craft: Legacy doesn't fit the title of the list but it was so bad, I couldn't stand it and I put it, I saw it because I like a lot the original

I admit I'm prejudiced with Jim Carrey, when I see him I know it's bad, but I insist the movie was in total a bad one


Yes, I can tell you're prejudiced against him. To me, people who call movies I love "bad" or "overrated" have the complete opposite taste of me, and I find to be the worst taste. They like the kind of movies that I would never watch nor like. To each their own.


I haven't seen District 9, The Craft: The Legacy or Renfield, but I wouldn't place any of the films I have seen from that list anywhere near a 'worst films of all time list'.

I didn't like the Suspiria remake much at all, but it had enough interesting ideas in it -- and was different enough to the original, which I always appreciate in a remake -- to not go on any 'worst' list. Just a film that didn't quite work. There are plenty of those in the world.

Hunger Games ain't my thing. But they're fine for what they are: YA Battle Royale. They do get very repetitive though.

And Children of Men, A Serious Man, Eternal Sunshine and The Truman Show are all pretty good films as far as I'm concerned.


Our tastes in movies must cancel each other out


Possibly. There was a guy back in the old IMDb days whose tastes were so consistently diametrically opposed to mine that I found him one of the most useful posters on the site. If he liked it, I wouldn't -- and vice versa. Takes all sorts...


Here are my 10 picks from the 2010s in a thread I made yesterday
if you have made such threads post them


Oh, I posted on your thread yesterday! We do have very different taste, although I could have included The Babadook and Mad Max: Fury Road on my list too. So there's some overlap.


I was wondering, do you like The Hunger Games films?


Meticulously watched them all 4. And NO, I didn't liked them at all, they are some of the worst movies I have ever seen. You may wonder why I didn't stop in the middle of the first movie, well, maybe because while watching I got the idea to create the ''worst movies of all time with high rating'' list, and I wanted to put them all in


I really hate it when people call movies "the worst they've ever seen." No movies are the "worst" unless it's a Mystery Science Theater 3000 movie, there are absolutely tremendous numbers of films out there that are truly terrible, and certainly not better than a high production quality and A list acting. "Didn't like" vs. "bad" are two very different things, yet people still can't seen to tell the difference.


Most of them suck.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) is not worth 8.


Thank you very much man

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) is not worth 4.


I don't agree with The Truman Show or Renfield. 6.4 seems a pretty fair rating for Renfield.


I enjoyed Children Of Men, District 9 and Renfield very much but have not seem some of the others.


District 9 was DOPE! (Chappie was a letdown.)
