MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Who are some of your favorite tv show pr...

Who are some of your favorite tv show protagonists?

I recently did a post about the most boring tv show leads & how the supporting characters were the best part of the show.

Now, how about shows with actually interesting & well written leads.

Here are some of my faves, from the top of my head:

Jimmy McGill/Saul Goodman - Better Call Saul (2015)

Raylan Givens & Boyd Crowder - Justified (2010)

John Luther - Luther (2010)

Patrick Jane - The Mentalist (2008)

John Reese & Harold Finch - Person of Interest (2008)

The Cast of Community (sorry couldn't pick one person) - Community (2009)

Matt Murdock - Daredevil (2015)

Walter White - Breaking Bad (2008)

Gregory House - House MD (2004)

Alan Shore & Denny Crane - Boston Legal (2004)

Walter Bishop - Fringe (2008)

Hannibal Lecter - Hannibal (2013)

It's always Sunny cast (again, can't pick just one) - It's always sunny in Philadelphia (2005)

Veronica Mars - Veronica Mars (2004)

Malcolm Tucker The Thick of It (2005)

Al Swearengen - Deadwood (2004)

Tony Soprano - The Sopranos (1999)


Carl Kolchak
Henry Morgan - Forever


I really loved Forever. It was cancelled way too soon!


Tony Soprano
Larry David
Matthew Crawley
Tyrion Lannister
Kirk & Spock / Picard & Riker
Ralph Kramden
Lucius Vorenus & Titus Pullo
The main four of Seinfeld
The main cast of Mission: Impossible
John Steed & Emma Peel
Maxwell Smart & 99
Gomez Adams
Perry Mason
Oscar Madison & Felix Unger
Al Bundy


I'm halfway through Columbo & he's pretty fantastic!


And it is a wonderful 1970s time capsule



Dr House-House MD


max klinger.
