MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What Would You Think/Do If Your Child Wa...

What Would You Think/Do If Your Child Was Accused Of A Serious Crime?

Like, say, rape?

Would you assume that the accuser must be lying, seeing as you didn't raise your child to be a rapist?

Would you instantly disown them, in view of the shame they have brought to you?

Or would you do something else?

Since I would teach my kid NOT to be a rapist, I would likely respond in one of the above ways. I know some goody-goodies will criticise me for this approach, but like I said, I wouldn't raise my kid to act this way, so, if they did, I'd find it hard to believe it was because of anything I did or said.


I wouldn't disown family no matter what they did. The tribe is always more important than the state.

And no, I wouldn't assume the accuser was lying. Like I said, I support the child whether he's guilty or innocent.

You can't teach your child how to react in every circumstance. Maybe the girl was drunk and he pursued her without her explicit consent. There's always gray areas.

Doesn't matter though. I wouldn't disown them.


I hate taking responsibilty for things I haven't done. It pisses me off. I ALWAYS try to keep my *own* nose clean (as a carbon-neutral, vegan, feminist-living, anti-racist-living, regular volunteer, non-drug-taking, borderline teetotal active pacifist, who aleays tries to be courteous and respectful to other people), so I RESENT being made to feel responsible for *everyone else's* snotty noses. If *my* kid turned out to be a complete asshole, DESPITE everything I'd done to stop them going down that path, there would be HELL to pay. HOW FUCKING DARE anyone make me feel responsible for something I haven't done (which is also why I'm not a fan of 'identity politics'. Don't fucking blame ME for slavery. I didn't institute the fucking thing. 😠).


If there's hell to pay it's between me and the kid. Fuck the state and fuck the police. I take care of my own. If he needs his butt kicked, I'll kick it. No one touches my kid.

And my tribe is not white people. My tribe is my clan, my blood.


No, I know what you meant be 'tribe'. I know you weren't making some whie supremacist/racist point there.

My reference to slavery and the sins of white people had nothing directly to do with anything you said. It was simply an example of where one is expected to take the rap for the sins of other people.

I suppose if push-came-to-shove, I'd always love my kin, and be there for them, but in theory, I'd love to throw them to the lions for bringing me into disrepute after having taught and raised them to be better than that.


However, I think "identity politics" is a lame term though. Obviously, if you are part of group, the interests of the group are your interests. I'm queer. Sodomy laws are against my interests. I oppose sodomy laws because I'm queer. If you call that "identity politics", so be it. Ain't nothing wrong with politics which help my group.


Nothing wrong in supporting policies that intrinsically affect and support the group to which you belong, *especially* if you're part of a marginalised and historically oppressed minority. That's human nature. I'm talking about 'identity politics' when it comes to demonsing or favouring an individual/group, simply on the basis of an identity, regardless of what they might actually represent/fight for.


George Santos is a gay Republican representative in Congress who was just arrested. His "identity" is the same as LGBT activists. LGBT Democrats are not supporting him. So where's this "identity politics" of which you speak?

George Santos Ouster Proposed by LGBTQ House Democrats


Clearly that's NOT an example of what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about blaming ALL people of a specific group for the actions of a minority.

I'm not sure where you've got this idea that I'm particularly talking about gay people or their allegiances, or even party politics in general.


Well give me an example because it sounds like you're railing against thoughtcrime. 🤣


I gave you an example: taking responsibility for slavery.

My family are descended from peasant sharecroppers. Are *they* responsible* for slavery? And plenty of POC live in cities like Bristol and Liverpool (the latter of which has been in decline for many decades), so surely they're benefitting from the fruits of the slave industry every bit as much as white Bristolians and Liverpudlians.


Are you British or American? If you're white and American you have white privilege.

And you never answered your PM.




WAAAAY too wordy and rambling.


Me or TheMan18?

I now want to meet this character. Do they still post here?


We're all individuals. You shouldn't compare. And for someone who poses as a self-righteous goody-goody, you sure seem to like making fatuous and dehumanising comparisons.


Kowalski marches to the beat of his own drummer.

P.S. Everyone compares.


Sure, but we can endeavour to avoid it.




My apologies. I clearly have failed in my primary goal, which is to amuse you.




Well my son is a cat so I would have some doubts.


You keep bringing up rape, it's getting a little unsettling.

That said, your kid is always going to be your responsibility, whether you like it or not. You're not responsible for their actions, but you are responsible for their well-being. That doesn't mean defending their actions, it means trying to get them help and not letting them off the hook for their behaviour. A lot of people mistake being a parent for excusing your kid's bad habits - no. It's your job to teach them right from wrong, and that doesn't change when they get older. If they did this or worse, you step up and get more involved in their life so they know that whatever they do will require them answering to you as well as the law. If you feel it's necessary or the only solution to call the cops on them because it's the only way to stop them, then you do it. Then you visit them in jail and you make sure they know you're their parent and you're there for them, and also that they can't continue this kind of behaviour anymore - it's not an admission of acceptance of their behaviour, it's just you doing your job.

Very few people teach their kids directly to be sexual abusers, btw. No one is holding How To Ingrain Sexual Assault Into Your Child 101 seminars as far as I know. But if your kid raped an unconscious woman on campus, ala Brock Turner, and like his father, you're advocating his freedom by reading out a letter stating you don't want your son's life ruined by his own choices in court, that's when you know you're not doing your job right.



Nice bit of goody-goody fantasy world sanctimony.

If Brock Turner was my kid, I'd fucking disown him.

Why are you 'unsettled' by me bringing up rape? Surely it's ABUNDANTLY clear how I feel about it (i.e. I despise it SO much, that I'd be prepared to disown my own kin if they committed such an act). Once again, I'm not sure why that's 'unsettling'.

But yes, I take responsibility for SO many things (UNLIKE THE VAST FUCKING MAJORITY OF SOCIETY, who I see behave like jackasses, getting drunk, taking drugs, abusing people, mistreating people, insulting people), that I resent taking responsibility for *someone else's* actions, because, guess the FUCK what? I've been blamed in the past for OTHER PEOPLE'S behaviour/actions, including the actions of people I don't even particularly like. 😠

I've been marginalised at work simply for making friends with people who don't get on with a boss/superviser, even though I've done nothing to offend them. And I've had to adjudicate in a harassment case where the evidence was very flimsy, and as much as my personal bias was with the complainant, rather than the respondent, and as much as I take harassment very seriously, I can ONLY go on the evidence adduced, and if the evidence isn't there it would be fucking IRRESPONSIBLE to impose harsh penalties on the respondent (although, FWIW, the decision of the three-person panel, which was headed by a WOC*, who was on balance less sympathatic to the complanant than the two white men on the panel, myself included, was MUCH more critical of the respondent than the previous adjudicators had been, all of them WOMEN, one out of two of them, a WOC. But the complainant was still unhappy with our decision and thus cut me out of their life, just for doing my fucking JOB 😠).

* As an aside, the two white men, myself included, elected the WOC to be the head of the panel (not particularly because she was a Black woman, but on balance, we felt she was the best person to fulfil that role).


That said, I did the heavy-duty work in drafting the judgement and the reasonings for the judgement, once we had, as a collective, come to our decision.

But GO AHEAD. You and Kowalski like judging people like me. Point to me where *my* virtue is at fault! My ACTIONS are impeccable (probably more so than Kowalski, I suspect), but you think I'm in the 'wrong' because I come here to 'whine' about them.

Well, that's my fucking RIGHT. I behave like a saint in the real world, and I get shat on for doing so, SO, is it any wonder I occasionally need to vent? I may be a pushover but I am NOT a moron. I KNOW that people take advantage of me. It's one thing to accept/put up with that. It's another to be so ignorant, naive and clueless that you don't even recognise that people are treating you like shit. 😠👊🏿

And, NO, I am not a violent person, so no need to be 'alarmed' or 'unsettled'. The whole point of venting is that it serves as catharsis so that one doesn't ever feel compelled to turn to violence. If anything, it should be ENCOURAGED as a means of CONTROLLING violence, not that I am remotely inclined to violence (NEVER hit a woman, NEVER been arrested, NEVER engaged in a fight as an adult, although I've certainly tried to CALMLY intervene and stop a few BEFORE someone gets HURT or even KILLED).


If just doing the basics of parenting is sanctimonious, don't become a parent. You're already saying it's too much responsibility that you're not willing to do. No one will judge you that, but they will judge you once you have a kid and then disown them because you don't want to answer for whatever you do teach your kids.

Also, why are you first asking a question, and then insulting anyone who answers it? If you can't handle an answer as harmless as mine, you're not fit for conversation. I don't think it's unsettling to bring up a topic, what I find unsettling is the repeat of that topic, and not even what, a week in between them. It comes off as a fixation, and having a fixation of rape is unsettling, do you disagree? If we were friends, I would be suggesting you need a therapist to discuss it, as it comes off as kinda unhealthy, but since we're not, I'm just pointing out something you might want to correct if you genuinely want to connect with anyone on a basic social level.

As for everything else, has nothing to do with me. I wasn't on some moral high horse, and this story about your workplace is irrelevant to the topic. I don't even know how I factor into Kowalski's interactions with you, it's perplexing.


"No one will judge you that, but they will judge you once you have a kid and then disown them because you don't want to answer for whatever you do teach your kids."

But if I'm CLEARLY teaching my kids NOT to rape, is it *still* my fault if they proceed to commit such a crime? You seem to want to attribute blame to the blameless.

"what I find unsettling is the repeat of that topic, and not even what, a week in between them. It comes off as a fixation, and having a fixation of rape is unsettling, do you disagree?"

Yes, I'm fixated on it. I'll admit it. Because, guess what, it's a terrible crime, and as a man, it bothers me that so many men are committing this crime against so many women. Now, tell me, what is so 'unsettling' about that? Would you prefer that I didn't care about rape? I mean, it would be good for my mental health if I didn't, but it would also be SELFISH and MISOGYNIST. I care because I don't like to see women violated in this way. Like I ask, what's so 'unsettling' about that? Do you think someone who is *so* upset about this crime is going to commit it? How does that even make sense?

The story about my workplace is pertinent to the issue of taking the blame for other people's actions. Have you ever been blamed for something *someone else* did? So far, my hunch is that you've never *suffered* that misfortune, but I can ADVISE you, it's NOT nice.
