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What did you watch this week camarade? (03/19-03/25)

Be it to escape the craziness of this world or to hide from our own personal problems, movies are a great source of comfort and entertainment for us all. This week was no exception:

The calling (2014 TV): The reason I came to this cold Canadian crime thriller was for Susan Sarandon, Ellen Burstyn, Topher Grace and Donald Sutherland but the reason I stayed was for my homeboy Kevin Parent who played is role to perfection and brought a very fresh energy to this film which could be described as a cross between Fargo and The X-files movie. My rating: 6.2/10

Kramer VS Kramer (1979 TV): Dustin Hoffman has always been a great actor hasn’t he? Tremendous performance here. Je was 42 but looked 30. Meryl Streep’s role is more secondary but she’s strong in each of her scenes too. Powerful film but nothing that would make me want to see it again. 7.5/10

Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021 TV): No wonder this movie is 4 hours long, half of it is in slow-motion! Ha! Just kidding, it was a great ride. My kids and I watched it over 3 evenings. I was one of those who really appreciated the 2017 version, especially after the atrocious Batman VS Superman film. As for this improvement, I can’t rate it too much higher. BTW, I’m Superman, my first son is Flash, my second son is Batman and my daughter is Wonder Woman so the spots are open for Aquaman and Cyborg, in case there are any interested. My rating: 8/10

Half of a yellow sun (2012 TV): Not that I particularly enjoyed it the first time around but it just happened to play and I just happened to give it 2nd chance. It has some good parts but I can’t say I will up my rating too much. I will copy/paste something from IMDb that sums it pretty well: « The film has two parts, the first comes across as a cheap soap opera and the second, a cheap action movie. Scenes played out that were pointless and didn't add much to the plot, making the first half plod along longer than it should have.» I’ll just finish by saying that although the title sounds pretty cool, this movie could’ve been called « Sex, Love and War in Nigeria ». My rating: 6/10

The fly (1986 TV): It had been over 15 years since I had seen this classic and I think I enjoyed it even more this time around. Cronenberg’s best film in my book. One complaint only; not long enough! My rating: 8.5/10

Air America (1990 TV): When I looked up this movie online I was surprised by the majority of low ratings. At first glance it has all the elements for successful flick. It did take be about 20 minutes to settle into the story and the atmosphere of the film but once I did it was a pretty fine flight. (I think it was my first time seeing Ken Jenkins playing another role than Dr. kelso and I just couldn’t dissociate him from his Scrubs character.) My rating: 6/10

Homeward bound: The incredible journey (1993 DVD): 10 years old me: “This movie is perfect and made me happy.
20 years old me: “This movie is perfect and it made me tear up.”
30 years old me: “This movie is perfect and it makes me cry!!!” My rating: 10/10

Earthly possessions (1999 TV): Two great actors (Sarandon/Dorff) in an highly uneven and rather mediocre film is what this is. I wanted it to be quirky, charming, smart and fun. It was mostly bland, the dialogue was often dumb and the script was highly far-fetched. The first half felt like a long buildup for the Motel room scene, which was the best moment of the film and the second half feels like a struggling story trying to wrap itself properly. (This was my 2nd Susan Sarandon this week!) My rating: 5/10


TV Series

-The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles - Episode 7 & 8

-Road to Avonlea - marathon

-The Bold and the Beautiful - marathon of very old episodes


Keep it up!


of yours:
Kramer Vs Kramer 8/10
The Fly 8/10

My week:
Crone Wood (2016) 6/10
This was one that I added to my watchlist and then completely forgot about it. So I'm a little torn. I love found footage films, but I think that this one may have benefitted from not being found footage. There were a lot of times where there was just no reason for them to be filming. I didn't mind the story, but it was just soooo predictable. It was also pretty lazy with the pagan aspects. I think the strengths here are the two leads. They were really natural, and believable. There was a bit of tension, but overall I was hoping for more.

The Usual Suspects (1995) 8.5/10
There are times when I'm looking for a movie to watch, and I just end up putting movie after movie in my list, and I just don't care and I don't want to watch anything. Well tonight did include a lot of movies being put on my list, but still wanting to watch something I threw on this. I had not seen it in years. I remember exactly how I felt watching it in the theatre for the first time. Even knowing all the twists and turns this is still a brilliant movie. It's well acted. The dialogue is smart. I've liked almost all the movies I've seen written by Christopher McQuarrie, but I don't think he'll ever top this for me.

Class of 1999 (1990) 7/10
I have seen this movie several times since it was released, and I never can explain why I like it as much as I do. I mean I know one of the reasons was I had a crush on Bradley Gregg back then, but I still enjoyed today. It's such a hodgepodge of other 80s movies, with an eclectic cast, and a bit of a bonkers premise. I find it highly entertaining.

Ten Inch Hero (2007) 8/10
Really silly, paint by numbers, workplace, romcom? I think it's a romcom. I love the cast. The plot is simple, but I find it endearing. I don't even know how many times I've watched this at this point, but I know I will watch it again, and again when I need a pick me up.

Top Gun: Maverick (2022) 8/10
Watched it again tonight. Still feel pretty much the same way. I'm not in love with the new score, which I actually feel badly about. I was still entertained.

Last Radio Call (2022) 6/10
I still think that this is Rodriguez's best. I think I may have liked it a little better this time around as I tuned out the middle a little bit. The setting is great, but this suffers from using similar effects and jump scares as other films. So yeah, it's not the most original, but it's still it's not a bad effort, and a pretty decent found footage film.


The usual suspect: 10/10

Top Gun: Maverick: 7/10

Class of 1999 looks actually pretty good!


For the past several weeks my husband and I have been on a musical marathon. We started with Oklahoma - last night we watched Chicago.
