MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > i thought the hownos account was finishe...

i thought the hownos account was finished

we were up north since monday. i tried to logon through a desktop and it wouldn't let, so i thought i tried too many times. so i am home and it works. moviechat is strange.


I was hoping... naw I'm just joking homie.

Signed, million man.


Where exactly is up north in Canada?

You couldn't login because your lover blocked it trying to tell you something on your romantic getaway in the great northern snow abyss.


Timmins, Ontario. No lover involved. Just my wife and I looking after the baby and dog. My son and his girlfriend were in Dominican for some sun.


Still further south than the US border on the west. 😜


timmins and sudbury get lake effect snow. the prairies don't have to worry about that.


That wasn't a comment on weather at all. That was the response to "Where exactly is up north in Canada?"

I thought it was funny because by latitude the border is the 49th parallel and Timmins is 48.5.


there's very little in ontario north of timmins even though that is relatively south compared to other provinces. my son took a small plane last summer and flew into moosonee which is on james bay. just miles and miles of forest and lakes.


I guess you just aren't seeing what I find funny.


of course i do


What, like you had been banned?

I mean I know how I felt when I would try to log onto IMDb back in the day and my account was banned. Not a good feeling.


yes from too many attempts to log in.


Hownos, a few years ago MovieChat had a rep for excessive bans. I also had heard your name and you were characterized as an evil troll. Lol. I realize now it was just filmboards propaganda.

I really love MovieChat. It's a great forum.


i was infamous on that other place. i thought it was hilarious.


They see this place as the evil Goliath to their David. They're like a cult.


I always thought you invented MovieChat and all of us were logging onto the server at your house


If that ever happens again, remember this secret password :


create a new account, pm one of us with you proof if identity (using the aforementioned password, and we'll put you through to a moderator for a password reminder)

Your worries are over.
