MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Pausing on streaming sucks

Pausing on streaming sucks

Sometimes I pause to examine something, but instead of displaying a freeze frame, it goes shadowed, shows the title of the movie or show and a progress bar.


Wouldn’t that just be the way it’s always been for a 20 year old?

Seems like an old person’s complaint.


21. And I grew up with DVDs.


Ok 😑


You could just press the back/return button on the remote/game controller when that happens.

Usually works when I'm watching netflix on my Samsung tv or PS4


That is what I do as well.


I used to read my album covers over and over and some even had lyrics I do like to see cast and perhaps a line about movies but they just lie so many times I have watched and said that was not funny, or great but not what they described it was about


Worse is when they slap an ad slide on to the screen while it's paused. 😠 Sometimes I want to pause to read something on the credits. 😡 Sure, I could look it up online, but why should I need to do that when the information is right in front of me??
