MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Tinder does it again...

Tinder does it again...

They removed the feature where you immediately see someone's bio. You have to click on them to view it thus making app only to do with how good looking you are.

They also removed the ability to super like someone once for 24 hours for free. I mean you gotta be desperate to do that anyway yet even that is now behind a pay wall.

I'd use Bumble again yet now they force you to verify your face. Who knows where all those pics in database go and if they will be used in future so I try to not do verification like that.


"you gotta be desperate to"

use Tinder.

Signed, million man.


You mean swipe Left or Right was never about looks?





Or, you can do what normal people used to do and meet people naturally in real life. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Is so hard and nervous that way.


I know some who had never met anyone but online. My experiences did not work out, but that’s me.


MEN: Listen to me. Dating apps are for WOMEN. They are not for you. They are there to take your money and give you depression in return. Unless you are over 6 feet tall, you will NEVER show up in their filters. You are wasting your time.

Get off apps, and regain your sanity. Stop being so fucking thirsty, and start studying existentialism.

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