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Star Trek questions

I watched the Next Generation in the 90s and enjoyed the original cast in the movies. The NG movies were okay, but I tend to stick to Generations and First Contact. I saw some of Deep Space Nine and it was pretty decent.

1. Who's your favorite Captain?
2. What's your favorite series?
3. Which movies do you like?
4. Which movies do you like, but know they're kind of bad.


1. Who's your favorite Captain? Kirk by a landslide. No one else is even close.

2. What's your favorite series? The one called "Star Trek."

3. Which movies do you like? Star Trek: TMP (1979) and Star Trek IV: TVH (1986)

4. Which movies do you like, but know they're kind of bad? I don't like movies that are kind of bad.


1. Who's your favorite Captain? Picard/Sisko

2. What's your favorite series? TNG

3. Which movies do you like? I enjoy TOS films more overall, especially Star Trek II (the one where they go to San Francisco). Also 2016's Beyond is the most faithful Trek film in the last 40 years not named Galaxy Quest.

4. Which movies do you like, but know they're kind of bad. Generations, Nemesis


1. Captain Picard
He is an examplar of what it means to have character. He's stoic, thoughtful, courageous, intelligent, diplomatic, clever, and he commands respect. He is what we should all aspire to be.

2. Star Trek: TNG

3. Generations and First Contact
This is my favorite scene from First Contact:
The Line Must Be Drawn Here! This far! NO FURTHER!

4. 'Generations' isn't that good of a movie but it's still enjoyable.




1. Who's your favorite Captain? Kirk
2. What's your favorite series? The Original Series
3. Which movies do you like? 2, 3, 4, 6, First Contact, Star Trek ‘09, Into Darkness
4. Which movies do you like, but know they're kind of bad? 5 and Generations


the original
the wrath of khan


1. Kirk

2.Deep Space 9

3.Wrath of Khan, Voyage Home

4. same movies, I like 'em but they have a lot of plot holes!
