MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Ever had an out of body experience?

Ever had an out of body experience?

I used to have these dreams where I'd have no weight, a small step or jump would pull me over the clouds. It was somewhat scary or at least vertiginous.

One time I saw my building from above and started falling fast into my sleeping body hitting it and waking me up.

anyone else ever experienced stuff like this?




I don't do it anymore, mainly because it's lost its novelty and I don't know where to get good salvia in these trying times, but there was a time I was smoking/vaping it every day and playing Geometry Wars similar to this video:

It can be overwhelming at first, but after a while, it just feels like a pleasant scratch on the back of your neck from the claws of demon reaching through a portal to the shadow realm. ;-]


Yes I had a "medical episode" ( heart related ) years ago where I lost consciousness for many hours. When I came too I was out of my body and travelling along the kitchen floor from one side to the other back to where my body was. But I was looking away from my body. Then I was back in my body. Funny thing was though that I was lying in a position where my eyes were facing the wall. Spooky.


reminds me of the scene from the thing


I've had one lucid dream before like I was walking outside of my body. And I'm looking back down at myself. Anyone ever had that before?


Yes! When I was 10 or something this kid in my school jumped from a wall to a bank of sand and seriously hurt his neck. That night I dreamed I done the same and my body was just lying there twisted. Freaky


I don't think dreams count, having an out of body experience in dreams is normal. It's when you have one in real life, without the aid of drugs, that I might be interested!

I don't know if this experience qualifies either, but what the hell I'll post it. So I was walking through the woods last week, on trail I hadn't been on before, and had the oddest feeling of a waking dream - "limerence"! I was wide awake, up and walking, but I felt like I was in a dream, like I'd stepped out of my real life and into a dream world where anything could happen. It was more magical and positive than disturbing, and after it was over I realized that the black-cloud feeling of depression that's been dogging me for a while had lifted.

I've had moments of that limerent feeling in real life, when the familiar suddenly becomes unfamiliar and magical for just a moment, until reality re-asserts itself and you figure out what it is that made things seem unfamiliar, but I've never had the feeling extended over a period of 10-20 minutes. Maybe it was my sleep-deprived brain trying desperately to force a little REM reset whether it was convenient or not, maybe I'd achieved a meditative state without trying, maybe it was magical. Who knows, but I'd be interested if anyone else has had a similar experience.


DMT Breakthrough Dose




I've had some crazy dreams but never out of body.
