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Is this theft? Am I a thief?

I ordered KFC at the food court, and she took my order and started the beverage. I said "mind if I have the drink now?"

She said okay and said to the guy putting the orders together "he'd got his drink".

10 minutes later he calls my order, with a drink. As I'd nearly finished by drink by then I didn't correct him or offer to pay, I took that extra drink with my meal and left.

Am I a thief? 🥺


So you knew they made a mistake and still didn't pay for the drink. It doesn't mean you're a thief in my book.

To me, it's like if you saw someone drop a one dollar bill, and then decide not to tell them about it and you pick it up and keep it. Now would I think you're a thief for that? No.

I'm sure the owners of KFC realizes their workers make mistakes like that all over the country, they are still super rich.

It's like when Target gets looted during the riots, it doesn't really matter much since they are super rich.

Another situation is if the person gave too much change, should you keep it or correct them and give back whatever you're not supposed to get. If you do keep it, I wouldn't call you a thief.

The way I see it is if the store gave you 3 burgers instead of 2, I'd tell you to just keep the 3 burgers. If you give the burger back, they'll just have to throw it away anyways since you touched it. Think about how much burgers they throw away after the place closes.

Now if you went in their and held up the place and took stuff, then you'd be a thief.


you're a fushing feef, you are! Bring that sody pop back to KFC this minute!


If there's a crime worse than stealing 3 cents worth of sugar water, I can't think of it.


How about this one:

You ask cashier for water (water is obviously free). Cashier gives you a cup. You go to the soda fountain and get a soda instead. Is that considered theft? The funny thing is that nobody really checks if customer is truly getting water at the fountain. 🤣 The employees are too underpaid to care or they're too busy serving other customers. I'm a rebel! 😎

--Michael D. Clarke


In this specific situation, I think it falls more into the category of being a thief than not, because it wasn't a mistake on KFC's part in this situation, but intentionally on the part of the customer stealing something.

If he ordered water, and then they put soda in the cup and gave it to him, then it would be different. No sense give the soda back sense they'll just throw it away.

Now the question is, what if it wasn't soda, and it was a product from the store in which they wouldn't throw away. Then I'd still lean more towards you not being a thief since it was their mistake they gave you the product.

Now if you give it back, I guess what you can get back is that you might feel good in your conscience. And they might think there's something good about customers. Something like that.


No, you’re not a thief, this was life throwing you a bone, perhaps you’ve paid it forward and karma was shining it’s light on you, and don’t pay any mind to anyone judging you on this thread.


Thank you.


You’re welcome!


You clearly dont know what theft is.


amateur hour you should've never even bought the Coke to begin with a water cup can be filled with any beverage you want
