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All movies I watched in August rated

Ngl, when I first saw the trailer I thought Elvis would be one of the worst casting disaster of all time. Austin Butler that looked nothing like Elvis combined with Tom Hanks. Ugh. Turned out Butler outshined Hanks. One of the best movie experience I had recently. I'm not sure about the huge ugly CGI letters integrated with the sceneries tho'. I think they're terribly out of place and cheapen the look, but whatever.

The other great movie I saw was Crimes of the Future. It's just mind blowing. I kept saying to myself wtf am I watching but I couldn't stop watching it. It's thought provoking, has superb acting, and overall a very well-made film.

Elvis (2022) 8/10
Crimes of the Future (2022) 8/10
Prey (2022) 7/10
The Black Phone (2022) 6/10
The Weekend Away (2022) 6/10
The Gray Man (2022) 5/10
Attack (2022; Indian/Hindi) 5/10
Luck (2022) 4/10
Day Shift (2022; DNF) 3/10

Prey, The Black Phone, and The Weekend Away were sufficiently entertaining. Grey Man was super dull, while the Indian movie Attack had lots of passion but a mediocre execution.

Other than that, Luck was really boring, too much talking and looked very derivative. The Latvia joke wasn't even funny but they repeated it like 5 times. It's basically Stork or The Boss Baby but without the zaniness. Finally, the worst movie was Day Shift that I couldn't finish because I just didn't care. It tried too hard getting into world-building even before introducing the characters and their basic motivations properly. It's like starting John Wick immediately with John Wick 2.


i bailed out on crimes of the future. very weird.


Too bad... I really like it. A very weird movie is always better than any generic movie. It reminded me somewhat to a French movie called Titane, which was very weird too.


I watched 83 films in August. Here is my diary with my reviews and ratings:


You haven't seen Crimes of the Future? I think you might like it.


I saw Crimes of the Future at the theatre when it first came out in June. I liked it. I plan on buying the blu ray at some point.


Oh, I didn't find your score on your letterboxd.


Here it is:

Crimes of the Future 2022 ★★★★
Watched Jun 10, 2022

Steve Allaby’s review published on Letterboxd:
I went and saw Crimes of the Future today. It was weird. I am also weird, so I liked it. I thought the screenplay was smart and well written. Performances were good, especially Viggo Mortensen and Kristen Stewart. I would rank this as David Cronenberg's 8th best film and rate it an 8/10. If you are a weirdo who enjoys weird movies (like me), you should check out Crimes of The Future.


Found it! It has a different movie poster on letterboxd, my eyes missed it. Surprised too that damosuzuki didn't like it.


I checked your LetterboxD but I did not see a rating on that Spider movie on DVD you bought. I can’t remember it’s name. Did you ever watch it?


Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo? I haven't watched it yet.


That’s the one!


All watched on various plane journeys: -

Crazy Rich Asians 7/10
Risky Business 7/10
Fantastic Beasts III (TSoD) 4/10
Our Brand is Crisis 6/10
The Good Liar 7/10


Do you bring a lap top or something along for movies on your trips?


No, we’re always too busy doing stuff - I haven’t turned a TV on in 5 weeks! I have no idea what’s going on in the world (apart from the footie results ⚽️).


I find it nice distancing myself from too much news also.


When I’m not away, I limit myself to 5 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening, just to make sure we haven’t been invaded by aliens 👽. Any more than that and it gets too depressing.



The Hot Nights of Linda (1975) 7/10
Orphan: First Kill (2022) 6/10
She Killed in Ecstasy (1971) 7/10
Exorcism (1975) 6/10
A Virgin Among the Living Dead (1973) 7/10
Massacre: Mafia Style (1974) 8/10
Eyeball (1975) 7/10
Ginger Snaps (2000) 7/10
Eugénie de Sade (1973) 7.5/10
Vengeance is a Dish Served Cold (1971) 5/10
Night of the Hunted (1980) 8/10
What Have They Done to Your Daughters (1974) 6/10
Mr Majestyk (1974) 7/10
Savage Streets (1984) 8/10
Who Killed Captain Alex? (2010) 7/10
The Deathhead Virgin (1974) 3/10
The Cooler (2003) 7/10
Night Has a Thousand Desires (1984) 8/10
Possibly in Michigan (1983) 9/10
The Great Silence (1968) 10/10
Tombstone (1993) 8/10
A History of Violence (2005) 7/10
Star Wars (1977) 10/10
Night of the Devils (1972) 7/10
Empire Records (1995) 7/10
Lady Snowblood (1973) 9/10
Vampire’s Kiss (1988) 8/10
Toyko Drifter (1966) 6/10
Nosferatu the Vampire (1979) 6/10
Battle of The Godfathers (1973) 7/10
Witchfinder General (1968) 7.5/10
Demons (1985) 8/10
The House of the Laughing Windows (1976) 7/10
Tentacles (1977) 4/10


Of yours, I've seen the Black Phone, Gray Man and Day Shift. Black Phone was okay, the other two were terrible.


I thought Day shift was lots of fun. Cool action scenes.


Maybe it has to do with the fact that I hate Jamie Foxx.


I hadn’t even heard of Crimes of the future

79 year old Cronenberg is still busy I see.

I saw Day shift this week and enjoyed it.


Crimes of the Future is really good. You should check it out.
