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What did you watch this week sexy angels (07/31-08/06)CLOSED

Godzilla VS Kong (2021 DVD): The story here is dumb. I’m sorry, it’s very very dumb. One of the reasons I enjoyed the two previous movies is because the story was actually pretty good. But let’s be honest, that’s not the main reason we’re here and this one was amazingly bombastic in action. Whoooweeee! King Kong goes from waking up scratching his butt and taking a cool shower to ripping heads off and drinking brain juice. I’m down. Very exciting movie indeed. My rating: 7.5/10

Onward(2020 DVD): Aesthetically impeccable, filled with exciting moments and positive messages (Have faith in yourself to succeed. You can’t always have what you want and sometimes, what you want you already have without knowing it. Etc.) but truth is, the story is a bit weird and there is a lot of occult stuff. But then again, Walt Disney is Evil, just like pretty much everything else on earth, am I right or am I right? My rating: 7/10

Luca (2021 Disney+): I’m sorry y’all, I just can’t with this one. I tried once, and couldn’t d get through it. Tried again, couldn’t get into it. It’s a baby ass film that makes no fricking sense and filled with ugly characters with ugly haircuts and ugly clothes. Urkk. My rating: 4/10

Blood pageant (2021 Tubi): The script is as terrible as you could expect it to be, the acting ranges from bad to worse, we are served mostly obnoxious and cardboard characters, I can do better special effects on TikTok and yet, I stayed to see if at least they would die with fun, bloody fashion. But even the deaths were impressively unentertaining (unless you want to see a girl choke and die within 15 seconds swallowing a strawberry). So yeah, bottom line is, I really don’t know why I spend 2 hours on this when there are so many good films to be seen out there… I’m weird like that. At least I got to see my boys Stephen Baldwin playing the good priest (because yes, this IS a Christian movie) and Snoop Dogg playing, well, Snoop Dogg. One thing is for sure, all the 10/10 ratings are from cast/crew members. There wasn’t even any gore or nudity! WTF? My rating: 2/10

Devil’s acid (2018 Tubi): Okay, if you can’t enjoy a bunch of nonsense, stay away from this one. Otherwise, I do recommend it for its funny script, solid acting and just plain crazy vibe. It would’ve work better as skits or vignettes instead of a dad telling a “story” to his kids, as there was no story, just people tripping balls! Oh and there isn’t any gore or nudity in this one either. Now see, I don’t necessarily need that to enjoy a low-budget horror! I’m not just some gory perv!! Pfft. My rating: 6/10

Peelers (2016 Tubi): “A small town strip club owner must defend her bar, her strippers and her life when violent infected patrons show up on the final closing night and all hell breaks loose. “
Now this one has gore and nudity. Actually, that’s basically all there is to it. Miam miam. I sometimes like to press play on the first movie to be suggested by Tubi after watching something and that was the case here. I enjoyed it for what it was; Bloody, badass, fun and sexy. One thing that was unnecessary was the added CGI blood, they were doing a decent enough job with the corn syrup. Cast was decent enough too. Good job team. Plus they are Canadian! My rating: 6.5/10


Hello sexy angel!

I haven't seen any of yours this week.


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) 9/10
So the last hour of this, is probably my favourite movie in all the Star Wars franchise. Gareth Edwards made this a visual treat, and treated the tie ins to the original franchise with love. Yes there are issues, I don't really care. Could you imagine if this is what we got with the prequels? I wasn't a big fan of the deep fakes with Tarkin and Leia, but it was a neat idea. I do find the score lacking. I do think that Giacchino did an okay job, but it just didn't stand out like William's did.

Double Indemnity (1944) 10/10
Such a brilliant movie. I don't know what else to say. It's my favourite Wilder film.

Infrared (2022) 5/10
I'm always excited for new found footage movies. Even with this one being new, the ratings were decent. I think those decent ratings must have been in regards to the 20 minutes or so. There was no reason for this to be almost 90 minutes. Or, perhaps something interesting should have happened before the 60 minute mark. The acting was decent, which surprised me a bit because Greg Sestero is in this. The story just wasn't all there either. Nothing new was brought to the table either. So I didn't mind it, but it was pretty mediocre.

The River’s Edge (1957) 6/10
I'd heard this wasn't great, so I put off watching it. It wasn't great, but it wasn't as bad as I was expecting, so it did exceed my expectations. I liked the cast, but I didn't care for the characters that much. There was some intrigue, but not as much as I'd hoped. Not upset that I watched it, but I probably won't revisit it.

The Documentary (2017) 6.5/10
I was really apprehensive about this as so many of the higher rated reviews on letterboxd are not real, so I didn't know what I was getting into. For the first little bit I thought it wasn't going to be good, but I warmed up to it. It dragged in parts, but I thought the acting was pretty good. It had some creepy moments, nudity, and the story was decent.

Star Wars (1977) 9/10
I'm still annoyed that I no longer have my theatrical cuts of this trilogy. Honestly, I'd probably give this a 5/5 if it didn't have all the CGI add ins. So yeah, this rating is based mostly on nostalgia, and John Williams' score. As I'm watching these in order, including Solo, Obi Wan, and Rogue One, I'm really impressed with the job they did filling in back story. I know there is debate about lines, and I say blah blah blah. Nothing I saw in Rogue One or Obi Wan was contradicted when I rewatched this tonight. So yeah, there is still love for these movies, even though I thought I'd lost it.


I always watch Harmy's Despecialized versions of Star Wars, the "improved" versions just annoy the heck out of me.


I have a few different copies of Star Wars on VHS. I wonder if any of them are the original.


The River's Edge had a weak storyline. A waste of a good cast.


A Star Wars story: the last hour is indeed a blast! 7.5/10

Star Wars: 8.5/10


Well hello there, Mr. sexy pants!

Godzilla VS Kong 6/10
Onward 8/10
Luca 8/10

I watched:

Not Okay (2022) 8/10 Zoey Deutch does a great job playing a complicated character who isn't very likeable. The real standout for me is the beautiful 18 year old Mia Isaac who plays the survivor of a school shooting. Her performance is fantastic, impassioned and powerful. The film tackles a lot of tough subjects and manages to balance different tones in a way that really worked for me. There are some funny moments and some really interesting scenes. Not Okay is a sharp and clever film, boosted by strong performances. One of the top 10 films of the year so far.

Penthouse 1933 5/10 I didn't get much out of this. I found it slow and the story wasn't very interesting. Performances were fine.

Love Me Tonight 1932 6/10 This was just alright. I didn't find the story all that interesting. Some good moments, but not as entertaining as I would have hoped.

Whipsaw 1935 6/10 Fine performances, but overall not that enjoyable or interesting.

Little Miss Marker 1980 7/10 This was cute. The little girl is wonderful and Walter Matthau and Julie Andrews are good too.

Love Crazy 1941 6/10 Some fun moments, but not as entertaining as it should have been.

I Love You Again 1940 6/10 This wasn't very funny and I didn't find the story all that interesting. Performances were fine though.

Love Slaves of the Amazons 1957 7/10 This was pretty enjoyable.

Scum of the Earth! 1963 7/10 Some good moments, fairly entertaining and fast paced.

How to Make a Doll 1968 6/10 This has some low key goofiness, which kind of, sort of works. It is not without its charms and sufficiently amusing, in its own offbeat way.

The Gore Gore Girls 1972 6/10 Not a great film, but some cool moments.

Predator 1987 8/10 (rewatch) A satisfying and entertaining action flick.

Predator 2 1990 7/10 Not as good as the first one, but still pretty enjoyable.


Prey 2022 6/10 This was alright, but a little underwhelming. I don't think it is as good as the first two Predators.

Vengeance Is Mine 1979 8/10 (rewatch) This is a well made film. I thought Imamura did a fine job directing and the story is told in an effective and compelling way. Performances are good. Ogata is the stand out for me as the lead character.

Robot 2010 8/10 This was fun, for the most part. I enjoyed how crazy and wacky it was. The humour was pretty clever and there were some funny moments. I also liked the song and dance numbers.

Daughter of the Dragon 1931 6/10 This was just okay. Anna May Wong is the best thing about it.

Xiu Xiu: The Sent-Down Girl 1998 7/10 Worth seeing just for the fantastic performance by the beautiful Xiaolu Li.

The Cat’s-Paw 1934 7/10 Harold Lloyd is good in this and there are a couple laughs.



Not sure I e seen the sequel.


None of yours again this week, StoneKeeper.

Rocks (Sarah Gavron, 2019) [Netflix]

The core plot of the film: teenage girl is abandoned by mother and left to care for her younger brother while hiding her mother’s abandonment from the world is one I’ve seen in at least three different films in the last year or so… but Rocks is handled with such low-key naturalism it almost feels like a documentary – especially in the school scenes. And, given the subject matter, it strikes an engaging and surprisingly pleasant tone. This is just normal life for these kids and they’re just normal kids. 4/5

Blue is the Warmest Colour (Abdelletif Kechiche, 2013) [Netflix]

I have sympathy with the people – including quite a lot of gay women – who raise an eyebrow at the way the sex scenes were put together. Outside of them, a lot of this is really good. But it doesn’t need to be three hours long. And I think sometimes people can confuse an excellent film with an excellent performance. But it’s definitely worth seeing for that central performance. 3/5

All These Sleepless Nights (Michal Marczak, 2016) [Tubi TV]

Scenes from a year in the life of two young Polish people. Apparently, it qualifies as a documentary, although I couldn’t for the life of me tell you how. In any case, too loose and incidental for my tastes. Nothing much happens and I didn’t care about any of it. I see a lot of people commenting that it’s like the films Terence Malick makes nowadays and I think ‘Ah, yeah. They’re not very good either.’2/5

Certified Copy (Abbas Kiarostami, 2010) [Criterion]

Two strangers meet at a book signing, go for a drive, suddenly they were never strangers… A film that wears its influences firmly on its sleeve – L’Avventura, Last Year in Marienbad, Before Sunrise – but twists them into something unique and very satisfying. Having Juliette Binoche in your film never does any harm. 5/5

The Girl & the Spider (Roman & Silvan Zurcher, 2021) [Mubi]

Subtle relationship drama centred around a girl moving house. Did nothing for me. Big bag of bugger-all. 2/5

Last Year in Marienbad (Alain Resnais, 1961) [Owned]

One of cinema’s most famous puzzle-boxes. Personally, I just think he’s gaslighting her for 90 minutes. ‘Well, where were you last year? Oh, it must have been there then.’ Or something along those lines. 5/5

Show Me Love (Lukas Moodysson, 1998) [YouTube]

Could this be any more 90s? Swedish teen comedy-drama about a couple of girls – one your classic newly-arrived misfit, one the ostensibly ‘popular’ girl – living in a boring town. The original title sums up the mood of the film better than ‘Show Me Love’. Funny and sweet without being saccharine. 4/5

Together (Lukas Moodysson, 2000) [YouTube]

Well-observed, low-key comedy-drama set in a 70s commune. Remember when Lukas Moodysson was a thing? I’d forgotten he existed until this week, when I was suddenly minded to rewatch these films. 4/5

His House (Remi Weekes, 2020) [Netflix]

Not sure this worked for me as ‘horror film’ as such, but as a film that uses fantastical horror elements as a metaphor to tell a story about how trauma and guilt follow you, it’s really well done. 4/5

Evil Dead II (Sam Raimi, 1987) [Tubi TV]

You probably know about this one. It’s still some of the best fun you’ll ever have with 85 minutes. 4/5

She Dies Tomorrow (Amy Seimitz, 2020) [Netflix]

Great premise: a woman thinks she’s going to die tomorrow. Then other people think they’re going to die tomorrow. The feeling that your death is imminent is spreading like a virus… Boring execution that doesn’t do nearly enough with the initial idea. 2/5

The Wolf House (Cristobal Leon, Joachin Cocina, 2017) [Tubi TV]

Second time through with this weird, creepy stop-animation folk horror that continuously destroys and reconstructs itself before your very eyes. It’s visually amazing. I always think of the time that goes into this kind of stuff. Animators are crazy people. 5/5


Rocks definitely looks like something I’d enjoy.

His house: 6/10

Evil Dead II: such an improvement on the first! 8/10

Added The wolf house to my tubi list.


Crimes of the Future (2022) - 6/10
Murder at Yellowstone City (2022) - 6/10
The Monkey's Paw (2013) - 5/10
Good Day for It (2011) - 5/10
Immortals (2011) - 6/10
A Girl Cut in Two (2007) - 6/10
The Washing Machine (1993) - 6/10

And out of the ones you watched I've only seen

Godzilla vs. Kong (2021) - 7/10


Not the best week for you eh? Haven’t seen any of them.


Greetings Stonekeeper!

I haven’t seen any of your yet, but here is my week:

Vampire’s Kiss (1988) 8/10
Toyko Drifter (1966) 6/10
Nosferatu the Vampire (1979) 6/10
Battle of The Godfathers (1973) 7/10
Witchfinder General (1968) 7.5/10
Demons (1985) 8/10
The House of the Laughing Windows (1976) 7/10


Dead Man (1996) - finally watched it and i didn't think it was that funny - trying to make fun of the western genre has been done much better than this. 4/10

The River's Edge (1957) - never heard of it before and now i know why. a stinker of a plot and a waste of a good cast. the wife in this movie was really stupid. 5/10

Hereditary (2018) - a re-watch. i like it better this time around. the early death scene was still a surprise. 7.5/10

Medicine Man (1992) - a rom com that didn't work. back to the well too many times as connery was too old. 6/10

Tomorrow Is Forever (1946) - very well acted movie with orson welles and claudette colbert. this tugs at the heart strings. the plot is a bit far fetched but a movie worth seeing. 7/10


Dead man: 8/10

Hereditary: 9/10


Godzilla vs. Kong: 7/10
Onward: 7/10
Luca: 8/10

My last two weeks.

Mission: Impossible II (2000) (7/10)
Puss in Boots (2011) (6/10)
Apollo 10½: A Space Age Childhood (2022) (7/10)
The World of Apu (1959) (8/10)
Nope (2022) (8/10)
The Wizard of Oz (1939) (6/10)
Love on the Run (1979) (7/10)
Sicario: Day of the Soldado (2018) (7/10)
Cabin Fever: Patient Zero (2014) (5/10)
The House (2022) (7/10)
The Ice Age Adventures of Buck Wild (2022) (7/10)
Super Size Me 2: Holy Chicken (2017) (6/10)
An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power (2017) (6/10)
Superman: Doomsday (2007) (7/10)
Tower Heist (2011) (7/10)
The World's End (2013) (7/10)
Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016) (7/10)
Lightyear (2022) (7/10)
The Age of Innocence (1993) (7/10)
Luck (2022) (7/10)
The Thousand Eyes of Dr. Mabuse (1960) (7/10)
The Quiet Duel (1949) (8/10)
DC League of Super-Pets (2022) (7/10)
Bullet Train (2022) (7/10)


MI II: 7.5

Puss in boots: 7/10

The wizard of Oz: 6/10

Tower Heist 6/10

The World's End 8/10

Hunt for the Wilderpeople 9/10



-Deceived (1991)
It's a suspenseful movie, although the story doesn't really make a lot of sense. The acting was pretty good.

-Desperate Hours (1990)
The tone and acting of this movie was all over the place. Shawnee Smith was freaking annoying.

-Hush (1998)
Another movie that was very uneven and clearly heavily edited at a later time. Paltrow was a bore and Jessica Lange too silly.

-The Temp (1993)
What's up with these 90s thrillers that can't make up their mind about whether to be silly or serious and completely being re-edited??? This movie would've worked much better as the black comedy it was originally supposed to be.

TV Series.

-Monk - marathon
ON HOLD. I've been catching re-runs of Who's the Boss and Golden Girls instead

-The Bold and the Beautiful - marathon of very old episodes


You had a blast in the past 90’s style !

Don’t remember seeing any of those.
