MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Should people be forced to be good etc.

Should people be forced to be good etc.

And if they are not or even if they are indifferent, must they be made to feel ashamed and shouted at etc?


I also ask because in my life I have at times been shamed for not doing the right thing, being good and successful etc so this type of disciplinary authority in life I for one was never ever really able to avoid.

But lots of people have say toxic personalities, prejudiced mentalities, can and do hurt others etc, and no one often bats an eyelid.

Besides, I for one, in life have often developed a massive sense of justice but also on the other hand a touch of curiosity. And I sadly can be irritated and mad at times when things go South or when situations threaten to be unresolved but then again, I try not to, and I would advise and encourage others to follow in mature and subtle footsteps.

Even when people aren't allowed or encouraged even to act a certain way, they often still do and get free pass. And yet I often don't, its confusing, I know. But still...


But, what is good? It can be relative depending on a point of view.


No, people should just be forced to behave themselves.

A bad person can behave well and harm no-one, and should.


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For years, a Puerto Rican lawyer/attorney has been making much more money as a Spanish-English TRANSLATOR than working with The Law.



People ARE forced to be good. It's called the law.
