MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The Batman and the Batmobile.

The Batman and the Batmobile.

One thing that has aways frustrated me in the post Nolan Batman movies is the de -emphasis on the batmobile.

In the last two or 3 movies it was barely glimpsed, and when it was it was all over so quickly. Even the extras on the dvd and blu ray releases didn't focus on it.

Whereas in the 1989 movie it became iconic, as did the Tumbler in the Nolan movies.

And it's not that the later versions were bad, in their own right they were OK. I thought it looked like more of a sleek, armoured, low slung racing car. But we were never really shown its capabilities, its gadgets, weapons etc.

So I was mightily pleased when watching the new movie. What we have here is a kind of muscle car but heavily armored. The fact that we don't see any gadgets or weapons does not really matter - its fast as fuck, intimidating and built like a tank.

But possibly my favorite sequence in the movie is its introduction.

The way you just hear a noise coming from a dark alleyway...then a roar and a growl, and suddenly its there in the shadows, with a sinister red light emanating from the bonnet, then the blue flame from the main engine at the back, as the engine revs up louder and louder. All intercut with reaction shots from Penguin, Catwoman and Gordon of "What the fuck?".

It's a great moment, nice to see the Batmobile finally given some decent screen time.


I hope the next Batmobile would be an EV. I mean, Gotham looks like very polluted already. Batman should care a bit about the environtment.


Greatest Batmobile perk: Parachute pick-up after emergency bat-turn


the batmobile will never ever be cool again.
it runs on electric power these days...


With Batman and Robin riding a tandem bicycle it'll be cool again.


The Dutch Batman.


Robin in clogs and armed with cheese!


bicycles would actually make a lot of sense in Gotham's gridlock


An EV Knight Rider (KITT) is pretty cool tho'.
