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Official Media Purchases Thread 📼 📀 💽

It looks like Kowalski had a good recent haul so here’s what I’ve got so far this year.

Has anyone else made any good physical media purchases?


Today I got some used Criterion dvds, which haven’t been released on blu ray and one of which is out of print! I got:

Big Deal on Madonna street
Clean Shaven
The Importance of Being Earnest
Pandora’s box (out of print, the most expensive dvd I have ever bought!)


I have a somewhat rare one today.


Today I picked up the Film Nor Dark Side of Cinema volume 1 box set along with Caligula & Messalina, Caligula the Untold Story, and The Perils of Gwendoline in the Land of the Yik Yak.


The Perils of Gwendoline in the Land of the Yik Yak - is that the uncut version?


Yes, it is the Severin blu ray and it says it is uncut. As a bonus feature, it includes the alternate US release version as well.


Very nice.


Just for something different, I bought movies today. It had been a while. I bet you are surprised that I bought movies. I got:

Boardinghouse 2 disc blu ray
Hard Soap and Disco Lady blu ray (Vinegar Syndrome)
Crypt of Dark Secrets and Death Brings Roses blu ray (Severin)


Please submit a review after Death Brings Roses. It’s been on my radar for a while.

Also do you ever buy VHS?


I don't have or buy VHS. I don't have a vcr anymore.


So I'm watching Hard Soap, Hard Soap and this movie has a lot more penis in it than I anticipated. Not sure how to feel about that...


Allaby! What kind of movie are you watching? 😆


This was basically a 70s porno comedy. I was hoping for more humour and more story (and less penis), but I did enjoy parts of this. I thought the actors did a good job and the film looks great. My rating is a 6/10.


I watched Death Brings Roses today. This was not good, even by B movie standards. Acting was wooden and performances were not fun or interesting. Screenplay was poorly written and the story was fairly dull. The film takes itself too seriously and might have worked better if it was sleazier or cheesier. My rating is a 4/10.


I’ll drop that one to the bottom of my list then. 👍


I just picked up Tears for Fears latest CD "The Tipping Point"

Very good CD! The title track alone is worth the price of the CD!


I’m a fan of their stuff from the 80’s for sure but I’ve never listened to anything newer. I’ll have to look it up.


Latest from the $1 CD rack at my local used music store

Night Ranger - Greatest Hits
10,000 Maniacs - Our Time in Eden
Ace of Base - Sign
Damn the Torpedoes - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers


There are a lot of haters out there for Ace of Base but I like them. Their songs bring back memories of early 90s club music.




I got this at a record store in Biloxi a couple of days ago. Is anyone familiar with these?




It’s not the slip mat, but the turntable itself. It’s a Technics 1200 MK2. They are well regarded in the DJ world, and are hard to find in good condition at a good price these days. That one was manufactured in 1993.


After a long absence from the US market (AFAIK) Technics has come back with some really high-end stuff. I remember Technics as a mid-fi brand, but the stuff the are selling now looks pretty amazing.


The only Technics I’ve ever owned are their turntables, and those 1200s were always a DJ niche. The new ones do look quite nice and thank you for the link. I bet they are pricey.


It looks like they average around the 1400.00 range on eBay, which isn’t that much more than a used 1200 MK2 from the 80s or 90s. Right now I have 5 operational turntables hooked up in my house and I wish they were all technics. 😀


I love stereo equipment, but am not that familiar with analog: I went all digital in the mid 1980s. Initially CD, and now no physical media at all.

So I am uncertain the difference between the current (as far as I can tell) 1200 models:

SL-1200MK7 - $1,000 w/o cartridge
SL-1200M7L - $1,100 w/o cartridge
SL-1200GR - $1,700 w/o cartridge
SL-1200G - $4,000 w/o cartridge


Going digital in the 80’s sounds like you were well ahead of the times. 👍


I saw my first CD player in 1984 and it was love at first sight 😊

I went "discless" around 8-9 years ago. Living in a studio apartment as I do, it's saved me a lot of space.


I got 2 more Criterion blu rays today. I got:

The 400 Blows
The Piano
