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Why did Bryan Adams have his name removed from web site?

Seriously, back in 2013, popular Canadian pop/rock singer Bryan Adams had his name and entire biography and discography front page removed from site, and around 8 years later now it is still not exactly clear why. But why do you think this is the case?,to%20be%20removed%20from%20AllMusic.%E2%80%9D

Rumors and speculations spread suggesting that he somehow got into conflict with them over the disappointment with reviews of his albums and that there was some kind of legal action that ensued, but does anyone know the real story and has it been revealed all those years later? I am still highly curious about it, and would like to ask, if anyone in here knows it too, thanks.

P.S. I'm no huge fan of Adams. But I definitely like a lot and even admire some of his early 80s work and some 90s too but after 1991 he was mostly mediocre overall and a pale shadow of the success that he has been before, mostly in the 80s. Still I highly dig his early work especially "Cuts Like a Knife", "This Time", "Run To You", "Summer of '69" (my favorite one by him), "Heaven", and some of other tracks range from solid to very good but up to a point. But yeah, seriously, what is the deal with this, what did he and site not share or agree with?


So, nobody knows, right, anyone want to guess? Maybe its been revealed?


I don't know BUT years ago his music company had one of my YT videos taken down.
So maybe he's a little crybaby bitch?
The music industry is full of them.
Ever hear of a guy named Don Henley?


Yes I know Don Henley, I even spoke about him in my Eagles thread. And what is up with him?


People on YT who make music based videos are afraid of him. There are others like OZZy Ozborne who will smack them with a copyright strike . So glad that I don't have to rely on Google for my paycheck.


Yeah he is one of my mortal enemies. He stole Maren Jensen away from me.


I Googled 'Bryan Adams Allmusic' and from what I gather no one knows for sure.

Do they have to rename the site mostmusic?


I hear they’re thinking of running with


Haha, seriously, no they were not planning on renaming that site at all because of Adams' departure from it.


No idea. He's a great artist - my personal favorite make singer!
