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Would You Object To Your Daughter Going Out Dressed Like This?


To be fair, it looks sluttier if you have bigger boobs. If she was flat chested I don't think we would think the same way.


You're right - it's the boobs falling out that make it look so bad. Problem is with my family member, she posts photos on Facebook and everyone tells her how beautiful, (her family), or hot hot she is,(friends.). Nobody will tell her the truth - that she looks like a $10 hooker.


It sounds weird to judge body types like that, but a dress like that is only suitable for someone flat chested. When you have bigger boobs, it looks like you're showing off.


I don't know that I consider it judging a body type - certain things look slutty and big boobs hanging out certainly does, IMO.


That's kind of sleazy but I will give her some credit: I don't see any tattoos, piercings or bizarre hair color (purple, blue, etc.).


ie all the things that would make me fancy her!


What is appealing about someone marring their body? I could never understand this. Maybe you could explain.


oh gosh, i dunno. it's like explaining why i love navratan korma and don't like sushi.

i just do!

i've always fancied punkish, gothy looking girls. to this day, even though i'm a tired, middle-aged guy, if i'm out for a walk and i see a girl with a snot ring or a punk cut or tattoos, my lizard brain takes over. i like that. a lot.

why? i don't know why. maybe i could concoct some story about seeing siouxsie sioux on the tv when i was a teen or something silly like that. might be something in that. probably not. it's just what i like. it gets my motor running. like...a lot. holy cow.

it's a big old world, and we're all entitled to our preferences.


Thanks for responding. I still don't understand it. It must be something intangible like a fetish.


if she were a slut, that would be totally appropriate.


If she makes a living as a hooker then she is dressed just right.
