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Has anyone been in a car accident?

My car was recently hit in the parking lot. I had to file a police report and report the incident to my insurance company. The guy who hit my car was a complete jerk about it and was yelling at me. First time that has ever happened to me. I cried so much that day... πŸ˜”


In 2012 my ex-wife was killed in a car accident.
I was in a few fender benders.


Oh my…. 😭


yes in 1991. driving north on a clear december day. then a snow squall came in off of georgian bay and everything went white. i slammed into the car in front of me. there was a chain reaction but no serious injuries.


Oh wow, how scary for you. I am so sorry!!


that's what happens when you are surrounded by lakes.


One time I was slowly rolling in a parking lot. There was a guy pretty far in front of me. He decided that he wanted the space I just passed, so he jammed it into reverse and slammed into the front of my car as I was leaning on the horn. He jumped out, apologized, cops were called, we both gave our stories.

I started talking to his insurance and they said they needed to call him to check everyone's story. The guy yelled at the insurance guy and told him it was my fault because I was following too close (I wasn't, but who cares even if I was? you don't just reverse without checking what's behind you). Because the insurance guy couldn't confirm the story, I had to go to the police station and order a copy of the police report, and then send it to them.

Whole thing was a huge pain in the ass, but my car did end up getting fixed and paid for.


That sucks and how dare he try to blame you for the situation. That's not fair but, I am glad everything worked out for you...


Yes, but only as a passenger. We got sideswiped by some old lady when merging on to the highway. The car was totalled and I got whiplash and a decent scare but overall we were lucky that no one in either car was seriously injured or killed. Lucky the person in the driver’s seat knew what he was doing and stopped us going into a spin. Full-on near-death experience though!


That's so scary. I am sorry you had to go through that... :(


We had a merging aiccident happen to us also but we were all ok. A car was merging onto the highway and decided to merge without looking, into the spot being occupied by a newish driver. The newish driver then veered over into our lane (we were in the leftmost lane). Since this highway had no shoulder on the left, we had nowhere to go, so he sideswiped us. Then he veered back over into his own lane once he realized he had swiped us. Fortunately my husband was driving and kept his head, he just slowed down rather than coming to a stop on the highway, so the new driver basically scraped us and then slid off to the right. The car that started it all by merging without looking continued on its merry way and was never seen by any of us again. The new driver stopped and gave his info and was horribly shaken but we were all fine.

I think there was a shoulder on the right that the merging car could have used to give himself more time to get over safely, but in general this highway was known for having terrible shoulders and people do sometimes have to come to a halt in the on-ramp because they cannot get onto the highway.


I had a nice 1989 GMC Jimmy K series that I restored and I got hit head on by a Honda Accord doing about 65 mph. The truck jumped it like a ramp and I rolled over about seven times. People who saw it said my headlights pointed into the trees several times. It was really violent from my point of view with lots of bright sparks during the rolls. It landed upside down and it took me a while to get out from under the wreck but it looked like a crushed tin can after. I had my seat belt on and didn’t even get a scratch. Here is a pic of the truck before and I have some from after I might be able to dig up.


Oh, you poor thing. Were you able to get your truck repaired?


I’m afraid not. πŸ˜”


I am a mechanic and I would love to have kept it but it was beyond repairable. Here’s some pics:


Oh wow! That is so damaged. I am sorry!! 😞


I guess I could have cut the top off and made a convertible. πŸ˜€


just thought of another. My car was parked at my house. A car came around the corner and slammed into our car. The police had to knock on the door to contact my wife who was in the shower at the time.

Three years later we're applying for new insurance. One of the questions is "have any of the drivers been involved in a MVA in last five years." I checked NO. The agent calls me to check on the accident and reminds me of my response. I tell her that it says were any drivers in an accident and the police report states that no one was in car at the time. She admitted she didn't have the report yet . it was on order. After a moment's delay she responds "You're absolutely right. Sorry to bother you." We got the new policy with safe driver discount.


my high school girlfriend crashed into a tree! we drove away and didn't tell anyone.


Oh gosh. I hope you and your girlfriend weren’t hurt...
