MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > When you were growing up...👩‍🏫

When you were growing up...👩‍🏫

...did you have thoughts about what you'd do as an adult? As in, what kind of job you'd have or something you'd like to do?

I used to think I might become a teacher, but that didn't happen. I ended up working mainly in retail. Not always in a store, although I did spend a few years in one, but I also had jobs that were more behind the scenes. I worked in the benefits department of a major retailer, but I also worked in the finance department of the same retailer, paying vendors and working with them when there were issues. I also audited our accounts with vendors.


As a kid, I didn't have any kind of realistic adult expectations. I was kind of a dreamer and had vague interests, like deep sea diving, but mostly, the adult world was not something I was interested in being part of. In the back of my mind, I thought that becoming one would be an easy transition that you didn't have to think much about or participate in. That you'd get to a certain age and you'd just have a house and a job and a car, with no real consideration for the particulars of the acquisition of any of those things.


Oh many times. I thought for years I would be a veterinarian, until I was in my 20s and someone told me I'd have to spend eight years in vet school! :O I also thought I might be a meteorologist.

For years mom kept suggesting I be a grade school science teacher. Trouble is, I saw the way she was treated by the school system, and never wanted to end up like she did, where she barely got any jobs, was probably blacklisted by the local teacher's unions, and got a mountain of debt for a Master's Degree in an elective the idiot school boards threw out all the time.

People have told me I would make a great mom, based on how well I worked with kids, but right now, I'm learning the hardest parts because I'm taking over parts of handling the household while my own mom recovers from surgery. It's difficult, but I'm getting used to it.


When I was a little girl I wanted to be an airline stewardess,(what flight attendants were called in the 50's), then an archeologist. I went to college to become an interior designer but ended up in corporate america working for several large consumer products corporations - go figure.
