

Yes. He befriended my actual cat. His name is O.C. because I just referred to him as other cat.


Very cool you decided to take it in, but I would definitely encourage you to at least have a vet scan for a microchip.



I have the cat who used to live next door, first came around as a kitten and we bonded. He decided to set up residence here, they also have dogs and I think he prefers the quiet of my backyard!

Used to have the kitten from across the road come over as well, I loved her, she was like a puppy they way she behaved they gave her away though.


is this a feral cat?


Yep, it happened to us a lot when I was a kid.


Yes, sleeps on the porch at night during the winter. I do not even leave food out for him so I have no idea why he comes around lol.
