MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If women were as horny as men it would s...

If women were as horny as men it would solve 75% of society’s problems

Think about it


Um.....society would have never gotten off the ground if that had been the case. We would still be screwing each other in caves to this day, with almost nothing getting done.



Simpler times...


Oh Fred 😂

I saw this thread and thought what maniac is resurrecting MovieBuff threads from the vault? And for what possible reason??

Your reply was worth it though. You always make me laugh.


Following that logic, 75% of society’s problems would be solved if more men were gay. Maybe higher than 75% if you factor in the overpopulation problem.


Of course if 75% of men were gay, including Moviebuff, then he'd still be whining that he couldn't get laid and that his lack of personal attractions were a societal problem!
