MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anyone here stupid with money?

Anyone here stupid with money?

I pay back my debts but seriously should be savings and not charging stuff. Debt ruined my twenties. I also went to college when I wasn't working. And I spent a good 8_9 months wiping out debt I couldn't control starting from 2016 just recently. I'm poor so paying off 7 or 4500 grand takes about 9 months for me.

How could I use that to my advantage?


Sounds like you're not as stupid as you imply. You're doing it right, paying off debt instead of getting deeper in like so many people!

Because that's Money 101: Don't Spend More Than You Earn.



Then you would only spend on food, water, clothes and a home.


Horrible. I don’t even wanna talk about it.


Yes I will procrastinate about spending $50. Do I really need to buy this ? And it's stupid because I could easily afford it but I grew up poor and it's in my blood to watch every penny.


It depends how pretty she is.
