MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > If they reopen theaters in July, would y...

If they reopen theaters in July, would you go

If theaters open in time for the releases of Tenet, Mulan, and Wonder Woman, would you go?

I would if they cut back on attendance, did the whole sanitizing thing and everyone was spread out in the theater. I realize though that's just me, what about the rest of you guys.

Personally I hope the theaters reopen so we can see those movies.


The only good from a film perspective that can come out of the COVID disaster is a sorta time loop...

Pre-China distribution:

Movies that made over $200 million were guaranteed blockbusters.
Longer cinema experiences. Not just 3 weeks in and out of theaters.
Smaller budgets.
Better focus story telling.
And just really better films...


I probably would.


I normally go mid-morning on a Wednesday, so I usually have the whole cinema to myself. There have been no reported deaths in ‘Sunny’ Bournemouth since this began and no hospital admissions for C-19 in over a week, so yes.


My husband and I have always gone around 4:30 - 5PM and the theater is usually empty or less than 10. It's hard to tell how busy theaters might be by July because kids are out of school and they've been closed since March.

If I have to do something out in public, I would rather eat out.


No, I used to avoid theaters during cold n flu season anyway so this just extends that habit indefinitely. Sorry theaters but this covid virus is nasty af. It seems to be mutating too and infecting more types of people, not just the elderly and vulnerable. With all the intense research going on my hope is we will at least learn more about it and how to effectively stave it off in public spaces. Until then I will enjoy new releases at home.


Not unless they start making decent movies again.
