MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Whoa, it's almost chilly here! 🎉

Whoa, it's almost chilly here! 🎉

I had to put on a sweatshirt type of top and am going to have to replace the clamdiggers with fleece types of pants.


I know this sounds weird to those of you living in areas where spring has retreated and winter's returned, but it's been very and unusually HOT here, so this cool snap is most welcome!

I could even build and light a fire in the fireplace tonight! 🤗

The high for tomorrow is supposed to be 62 and it's probably that right now, so even colder tomorrow. *happy sigh*

What's it like where you are?


It was 75 degrees over here on Saturday. Next week will be much colder, around 55 or something.


75 is *perfect* in my book! 70-75. 55 is getting a bit nippy.


75 is definitely unusual for this time of year, though!


Usually colder, I gather?


Around 56 would be normal. The weather is kinda strange at the moment. Strong, cold winds, but the sun is really hot.


Snow in MA this weekend. Nothing accumulated, but it was still weird for this time of year.

50's for this week then into the 60's and hopefully beyond into shorts/sandals weather.


Huh, so strange weather for everyone so far. Snow and cold in places where it's supposed to be warming up and springlike, oppressively hot in others where it's supposed to be mild.

60s are good too.


Probably an unpopular opinion, but I love it when it is oppressively hot and humid lol. I'm a happy camper when its 90+ degrees. I sometimes day dream about living in a tropical location.


Like March - cold and damp. It's supposed to get better by Thursday.


Another unseasonable weather area. Here's to it getting warm for you by Thursday 🍻


Nice to hear that the heat wave has subsided. By the end of the week we should have more seasonable temps here. And next week they're saying maybe 80s! Once again, spring is the shortest season, it seems. It feels like we go from chilly to too warm in a matter of two weeks or less. Sheesh!
