MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you think society and culture place t...

Do you think society and culture place too much emphasis on womens' looks?

I think society does. I think women are expected to look good or else they won't be seen as "valuable" in society.


There is an entire economy structured around women’s looks. Make up, fancy skin products, clothes, shoes, nail care, hair, jewelry... The list goes on and on. Not sure how women who buy into this facade have time to get any real work done.


You ever think some women out there might like to get their hair or nails done? A lot of women I know absolutely love to go the nail salon or get their hair done. I’m talking they LOVE it! And women generally love shoes as well. So what?

Some women just enjoy doing those things, but you go ahead and tell them to stop because it bothers you that they do it, and you feel that it devalues them as people.

Maybe we can start getting into some things that you like to do, and start calling those things “facades”.


Not telling them to stop, just questioning where their passion for it comes from. It is a facade and nothing wrong with a nice facade. Just time is limited and spending a big portion of it on salons and shopping seems like a waste of human potential.


As opposed to spending time on an internet movie forum commenting on it? Some may argue that is not the most productive use of your time either, but you clearly enjoy it so it wouldn't be exactly kind to suggest it was a waste of your time.


I think society and culture place too LITTLE emphasis on womens’ looks.


Explain yourself! Too little how?


I think women in today’s society get a pass for inferior looks.


What a load of shit.


Nobody is forcing anybody to do anything. If you’re a woman and you don’t want to get dolled up...then don’t. Pretty simple stuff. If you don’t want to look good, then don’t. The lack of self esteem in the world today is mind boggling.

Of course, there are always two edges to the sword. Men enjoy beautiful women, and vice versa. That’s just the way society is. It’s biology. However, any logical human SHOULDN’T devalue a woman based on her looks, but the gorgeous woman will always get more attention, and a lot of jealousy as well in cases. That’s just life.

And none of the beautiful women out there are complaining that they are judged by their looks when it makes them millionaires. You think a supermodel will give up her life when some white knight soy boy says “You don’t need to do this anymore. People are going to stop judging your looks.” Give me a break.

As with everything in life, some people have it, and some people don’t, and the people who have it, use it. That’s just the way it is.
