MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you ever done backpack travel?

Have you ever done backpack travel?

If so, what did you think of it? Would you go again?


Not back packing but when I was 20 I was a bit mentally unstable and I just had to get away. I quit my job, went to the travel agents and booked the first flight to europe I could get. Ended up in crete the following week. I only had about £600, got a job in a cocktail bar and lived in a room in the basement of a hotel for 6 months. Loved every second of it.


No. I hate hiking and don't have the foot stamina for it. I like travel that involves some kind of vehicle, whether it be wheels, a boat, or a plane. And I dislike the idea of wearing the same outfit the entire time, while all my traveling possessions are in one backpack. No thanks.


Yes. It was great for exploring rural, natural areas. I felt like pond scum walking thru chic cities like London and Copenhagen looking and smelling like something the cat dragged in.


Loved it when I was younger. I don't think I'd be able to do it now, but that's due to health issues.


I was an Army Infantryman so I did it often including an all night march through the wilderness in Alaska. It was really cold.
