MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > A question for all my Australian friends...

A question for all my Australian friends regarding the bush fires.

Has this calmed down now or has it just been overshadowed by recent events? One minute it was all over the news and then all of a sudden, nothing.

Anyway, I hope none of you were too adversely affected.


I saw a video of koalas being released back into the wild. I'm assuming it's slowly getting better.


The bushfires are all out as far as I know. They finally got doused by the floods. These Australian natural disasters mostly affect the people on the land and in the bush, the city dwellers don't get impacted much. Now we are all being coronavirused like everyone else.


It's not quite true that cities were not impacted, a recent report showed that poor air quality contributed to 400 deaths and more than 4,000 hospital attendances through the bushfire crisis, far more than the amount of people killed or injured by the fires directly. Sydney, for example, experienced 81 days of poor or hazardous air quality in 2019, more than the total of the previous 10 years combined.


I didn't say that the cities were not impacted. I said they were not impacted much. Asthmatics and people with existing ailments have a hard time of it when the air quality goes down.


All good.


Haven't heard about it at all. It's all about COVID 19 now. I'm sick of hearing about it to be honest. Brings me down spiritually.


They announced in early March that the last of the fires in NSW were out Andy. Not sure about the rest of the country, it's just as hard to get a report on anything other than corona here too.


Glad to hear it’s calmed down in that regard. Imagine having to deal with both problems at the same time!


I was wondering about the fires myself. Nice to know they're out. Now I wonder how the recovery is going, but like you said, it's all Covid-19 coverage now.






It's calmed down in the way of making news and, certainly, the fires themselves have been put out or gone out.

But we are still experiencing the fallout of farms losing their crop and thus the average Australian having to pay much higher prices for green groceries that used to be cheap. I don't think many people have really noticed this because the panic buying is making a lot of people blind to the mark up of prices, but it's happening.


I’ve noticed the increased price of fruit and veg. Like you said though, amongst all the hysteria I didn’t think about it being because of the fires but that makes sense. Shopping has turned into a bit of an ordeal now, I’m in and out as quick as I can and not really even thinking of prices.


I'm mostly the same. I think I just avoid things that are beyond reasonable prices and swap them out for what I can where applicable. Shopping is a real headache now - not that it was bliss before, but it's kind of anxiety-inducing, the way people are at the shops. I get in and out asap, same as you.


I want to do the helicopter tour.
