MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you believe extraterrestrials exist?

Do you believe extraterrestrials exist?

I’m sure some other forms of life exist out there, given what we know about the size and scope of the universe. However, I doubt the popular image of them in movies and literature is accurate.


some form of life on other planets? seems very, very likely to me, though ultimately that's probably unknowable. we only have a sample size of one. if we ever prove that there was at one time some form of life on mars or europa, then it will almost certainly be the case that the universe is teeming with life. but as it stands right now, i don't think we can say anything with any kind of certainty.

but has life visited here? almost definitely not.


Yes and they're afraid of us. They should be. I'm afraid of us.


Are you an alien?


Think about it. As a species, we're paranoid, hostile and xenophobic. We've spent our entire history learning the best ways to harm and kill each other and everything else. Among other things.

I'd trust a polar bear over another person. I know exactly what is going on in his mind.


I think there are intelligent aliens out there, but they're leaving us alone until humanity has advanced enough to travel to the stars. We're too primitive right now to be bothered with, and they want us to advance without interference (though there have been exceptions to that rule, if the Roswell story is to be believed).

I have my own doubts about what aliens look like, because frankly, I don't really think they are the little grey guys. I also have serious doubts that all intelligent aliens out there look "human"-shaped. That was just a cheap way to get human actors for sci-fi tv shows and movies. We actually have no idea what they might look like. All we can go on is our imaginations.

I personally think the first aliens we'll encounter will be "animals" on another planet, when we start colonizing other worlds a few centuries from now.




I definitely believe in the possibility of ETs, though what form they take or where they're from, I couldn't say.




Yes, I think that life is abundant in the universe and that it almost certainly exists elsewhere in our own galaxy. I also think that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe.


Of course
