MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Politics in the General Section

Politics in the General Section

For those who like to post political things in the general section, I have a question.

I sometimes post things about a particular movie or actor in the general section of the forums because sometimes the heading that pertains to that film or actor might be dead. The best way to get any responses might be to post here.

On the other hand, the politics forum here was created because this is a movie site and the majority of people come to chat about film and not politics. But the politics section here is quite active with people who do want to discuss that topic. So why post political things in the general area?


Everything I post is inherently political since I am the President of CHAD


Are you of French or indigenous decent?


He's a Chadian.


Correct, but please remember to capitalize and bold CHADIAN next time. Thank you in advance.


The actionkames individual is correct. I am CHADIAN and the ultimate Chad.



Oh, being that Chad was a colonial territory of France I was just wondering. Thank you for responding mr president.


The politics forum had a few hundred posts about six months ago and now it is approaching 20,000. I assume some people post here because it stands out.


I'm guessing you could have two different groups (maybe 3), people who just post in general and want to chat, people who want to argue about politics. So perhaps someone who spends more or all of their time in general area prefers to know that the people who will respond are the ones they chat with?

The third group of course would be people who post in both sections.


Newer posters may not realise the Politics Board exists. I was a member of MC for ages and only discovered this board by accident.


Sometimes I might want to post about a topic that is slightly political but after having a look at the Politics Board and their obsession with talking about Trump, the whole Trump and nothing but the Trump I would prefer to post it here on the General Discussion Board.


I refuse to discuss politics on this website. MovieChat is for movies only. Period. If I wanna discuss politics... I'll go to Reddit.


People can discuss anything they want in General Discussion. Jim said so.


Thank you
