MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What is your max page count for books yo...

What is your max page count for books you read.

Mine is 350. Honestly more than that and you need an editor, you don't know what you want to say, or you better be Stephen King. If you've read say, 500 plus let me know the book, and if it was worth it.


I don't have a max page count. I've read several novels that were over 500 pages and I think I liked most of them.


Long Time Passing: Vietnam and the Haunted Generation, by Myra MacPherson
742 pages. Very good.


Preferably under 300. I just don't have the patience!


Thank you for backing me up. 500 pages no no no


I prefer long bios. Sometimes it will take me months.


i certainly like concision in books & everything else.
but i've read some longer books. sometimes, when you are dealing with certain topics, you just need that much room to make your argument.

steven pinker's better angels of our nature is an example of that.
vincent bugliosi's reclaiming history is another.
robert putnam's bowling alone too.


Interesting theory. Page count is not something I usually pay attention to.


Its the first thing I look at... when i see 450 I'm thinking wow this person has allot to say, or they want some extra page count from Amazon Unlimited. Stretching things out is the way of the world. Why say something succinct, song or book when you can drag it out for no reason. Anyone heard the repeat in songs 4 times. I love rock an roll..really we needed you to say that a sixth time.


Not quite 500, 448. Watership Down, hardcover. I read it in 18 hours because I couldn't put it down.


One of my favorites!


It was so compelling! Really well done. He convinced me this is how rabbits think.


I read it for the third time last summer
I need to get my kids to check it out


I'm correcting myself. It was 823 pages, The Stand, hardcover. The only Stephen King I've ever read. Not worth it.


I'm reading "Doctor Sleep" right now and I'm struggling to get through it. Hopefully the movie will be better. King has some good ideas, but I don't like how he executes his thoughts.


"King has some good ideas, but I don't like how he executes his thoughts."

Now that you say it, that's exactly how I feel about him. Great or at least interesting ideas, not well written.
