MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Best (Worst?) 420 ever

Best (Worst?) 420 ever

If you don't know what that means...cannabis, marijuana, ganja. People smoke it for fun.

Payday was Friday, 420 Saturday, Easter Sunday. That's a pretty choice setup, or so it would seem.

I decided I would celebrate 420 this year after progressively drifting away from the lifestyle over the past year.

Bought some bud, everything was great until...

This was bad stuff. It looked green, but not flamboyantly so. It did not smell. This is a red flag I should not have ingored.

I paid good-weed prices, too.

So then I have this bag and I'm out the money, so I must smoke it. It has no effect. I smoke nonstop from 7 yesterday morning until 9 at night. No effect. I never got hungry, I never got sleepy. I went through a quarter ounce in a day and a half. Now it's gone. I've never gone through greens at such a pace.

So it was pretty dissappointing, but this is pretty typical MJ life. You always have that sweet skunky high as a basis for comparison, and you'll smoke anything if that's all you have, just to maybe get it back. I kind of despise the whole affair, but somewhere deep down I must also like it.

Happy Easter


so you were actually smoking grass 😊😊


I suspect so


I quit the weed over a year ago
Rum and beer are more easily available and probably cheaper too
Plus, no 'munchies...'
I hated 'the munchies'

Sorry you got ripped off though


And because I won't let you smoke it in my basement, of course!


Well, of course there's that too
Uggh, your'e so bossy!


You know you wouldn't want it any other way!😘


Ain't gonna catch me disagreeing😳


Very wise!


I love the munchies! Are you crazy? That's the best. If you find something not terrible to munch on, it's great. If you exclusively munch on ice cream, you may have an issue. I pretty trim, although I'm 31.


Oh, wow you are a young one Pete!
At 47 I find it best to not chow down
At 218 I'm fairing well enough but the weed munchies would send me right off the cliff!


I have noticed it is getting harder and harder to maintain my weight and I imagine that will get harder and harder.


Wait 'til you start gaining weight and losing hair...
Life is a real bastard but it beats the alternative!


Was it moist? Sounds like it might have been recently harvested and not dried/cured.


Do you trust your dealer? If you didn't get high, he could have sold you high cbd hemp, which is widely available and legal to buy online, since it has less than .03% THC


My guy is fine, he got this from someone other than his regular guy. It very well could have been high cbd hemp.


I think you cracked the case, now that I think it over. It was very clearly the right plant, but did not behave the right way.


That's messed up. Hopefully your guy does the right thing and makes it up to you.


Yeah he's being cool and I'm getting some recompense.


That's good.


In fact it just happened right now! World is Not Enough with commentary here I come (commentaries are amazing when stoned)


Nice! Enjoy.


Anyone seen Kyle?
