MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anyone else not like superhero movies?

Anyone else not like superhero movies?

I just can’t get into them, and now with them being crapped out 3 at a time I actively dislike them.


I love them but you will find plenty of company here
Most GD posters seem to dislike them


What do you love about them? They’re corny and completely unbelievable.


Pure escapist fun is always welcome Buff👍
The girl superheros in their leotard costumes and sexy thigh high boots are nice to look at too...that sounds pervy when I read it back but I'm leaving it as is!


not a fan


The thing is that you have to have nostalgia and previous knowledge of the respective franchise to enjoy 'em. I lack such things, so I'm not that enthusiastic for them.


I love them, but appreciate that they’re not to everyone’s taste.


The first Iron Man movie was pretty good but the rest are too stupid to watch.


I walked out of Deadpool after just five minutes. It was so ridiculous.


Can't stand them. I grew up reading and collecting comics, and even though these movies are very profitable for Marvel and DC (really for the companies that own Marvel and DC), I think they're the worst thing to ever happen to these characters.

There are millions of people who never read a comic book in their lives who want to tell you what big fans they are of these characters because of a dumb movie. I was driving down the road the other day and cussed at my radio (before changing the station) because someone on NPR (generally a bad idea to listen to them to begin with) was rattling on about how Hawkeye was the most interesting of the Avengers. Even the B list heroes have somehow have become beloved icons now.


There are some superhero movies I like, and others I don't like. It varies with me. I like my superhero movies in moderation. There are some that I like, and will watch more than once, and others that I don't like and will only see once to confirm what everyone said, and then I never watch them again.
