MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Character or actor name

Character or actor name

Have you ever come across a character or actor who has your name? I'm not asking in order to suss out your real name, just so you know.

I haven't, but there is a character in "The Winds of War" who has my dad's name - both first and last name. The reason I find it a bit weird is that my dad was in the service during WWII when this mini-series takes place.

My own name isn't all that common, but there is a well-known actress with the same first name as mine.



My first name is pretty last fairly common. I did find one person on Facebook with my first and last name and it freaked me out.
There is one actress with my first name but I can't recall any characters with my name unless it was in a Spanish or Italian film..
So I'm use to not hearing my name a lot unless it's referring to me.


I can understand being a bit freaked by finding someone with the exact same name as you. Sounds a bit like me. Too few people with my name. Weirdly, though. Back in middle school, my best friend (at the time) and I had the same first name. I think that's part of what brought us together as friends. Neither one of us liked it.


Yeah, there is something nice about having a unique name. It feels like it's all yours. But I don't know that I fully appreciated that until I was older.


I'm a bit of a failure in that I've never appreciated my name. To this day, I still hate it. Oh well.


With a variation on the spelling, yes. But rarely. It's not a common name in the western world, at least not in cinema.

I don't necessarily hate my first name, but I've always thought it doesn't fit me. It's not that I want a more common name, but I feel like one would suit me better. I could be a Holly, for example, much more comfortably than what I am called.
